under construction

under construction

What? Again?


Life’s a moving target (at lease that’s what the commercials say) and I am not one to sit around. Please be patient while the next phase of Blue Lollipop Road is born. Put the kids to bed, grab a shot of tequila, a cold compress, or get your ear muffs out. This one is going to be a doozy. No fear, I am all about the butterflies and rainbows, but it’s time for the gloves to come off and for me to sass up my writing on a much more regular basis than I have been. I’ve behaved myself way too much here and quite honestly I feel like a bore. I’ve come a long way baby, full monty blogging starts now. Take me or leave me:)

So? Posts moving forward will have more of things like:

*Lots of eff-bombs. (The word fuck, but maybe with a * in place of the “c” or something sometimes. I mean, my Mom reads this after all. Hey Mom! Love you!-You fucking rule!)
*Funny signs accompanied by offensive captions
*Tips on how to get into castles and get free dinners with people like a bunch of old frat dudes
*Tearing the American Corporate Culture a new one for it’s absurd and antiquated systems
*People, places and food as usual (but probably with a lot more; What? People pay to eat this crap? I can make this better at home!– and similar comments
*Me tripping over my own two feet on a regular basis and calling myself on it
*Actually telling the full on dish when I have a hot make out session with a 25 year old boy, instead of skirting around the story
*Why I have been called asexual Di in the past
*How I need to lose this flipping 10lbs I packed on while on the great Alaska or bust trip this summer, but I live in Napa now for gods sakes! As if I’m going to give up the cheese and bread and just drink the wine alone. PSHAW! (Guys like a little cushion- right?)
*How I am going to pay off the $27k (yes, that’s TWENTY SEVEN THOUSAND DOLLARS) of debt before my 33rd bday. I have 10.5 months. It’s ON. Anyone need a hooker for the night? (Come on now- I tease ’cause I love. Err, actually…)
*Unpopular opinions and thoughts in general- about a lot of stuff

Anyone interested? Ok, that’s what I thought. See ya back in a bit.

Lets get ready to rumble.

***Side note to lots of friends and family~ I know you have called, emailed, texted, etc. weeks ago. You are sweet and I love you for real. I think about you every day. I’m sorry I have not communicated back. I have no excuses other than I am getting my own life for the first time ever and that means you might be a casualty for a small period of time because I simply do not feel chit-chatty with humans unless they are in person with me right now. This is a good thing, I promise. I need and want to continue this whole getting my own life and not worrying about everyone else’s thing because it’s actually pretty awesome. Schwat?! I know! I’m concentrating on me because I have learned that’s not selfish, it’s just smart, fun, makes you feel confident and starts getting you out of $27k in debt. Wahoo! High-fives and ass-slaps all around.

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