updating resumes is so fun

updating resumes is so fun

Can you sense my sarcasm?

After pining for hours on the 96 different ways to convey that for years you “facilitated, coordinated, created, managed and maintained” a billion projects, events, people and companies, you get one piece of paper to show for it.

Huh? This is all I get?- you think.

Things like root canals, thesis writing, or explaining to your parents why at 14 years old you grabbed booze from their cabinet, drank it, then stole the car and totaled it are more fun than writing resumes. Something happens though, when this measly little piece of paper makes you smile from ear to ear after it’s all done and printed out. It’s as if bullet points on a page for just one moment somehow convey the blood, sweat, and tears you’ve shed, and all the ass kicking you’ve done. Your page screams; “YEAH, THAT’S RIGHT! MY NAME IS SO AND SO AND I FRIGGIN’ RULE!!!”

Out the door I go to print my scream of I friggin’ rule. I think I’ll pick blue or something else fun. Eggshell or off-white are so last season in my world.

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