the mac daddy of sunday fun days

the mac daddy of sunday fun days

It’s almost midnight and I’m still smiling.

Sunday feast in Napa

Sunday feast in Napa

Sunday feast in Napa

Sunny day, incredible eats, fun and interesting company and that general overall feeling of somebody pinch me- I could live here? This day was a slice of my ultimate heaven. In my ongoing east (NYC) or west (SanFran/Napa) coast battle, the scales tipped blindsiding me to today in the most unexpected and delicious way. And juuust when I was about to gas up the car and declare Big Apple or bust…

  • helenjane

    September 14, 2010 at 2:01 am

    Yay! Yay for new rad friends!
    (Wherever they may land.)

  • Diane

    September 14, 2010 at 2:19 am

    For sure! SUPER excited about making Napa work for a home for a spell if I can…or however long it stays as awesome as it is!

    Here’s to finagling and not being too proud to work at a Starbucks or Walmart if that’s what it takes! (Ok, so I lie about the Walmart part…)