i heart cameras

i heart cameras

Now that I’ve made the enormous investment of $25 (hey that’s like 2 weeks food budget for me on the road!) to Flickr for unlimited photo and video storage space, I’m going to use every bit of unlimited I can. get ready for a picture-fest! (If you have the desire to see a slew of my photos, visit here and search Blue Lollipop Road. There’s a bunch!)

Who needs a jacket when you can wear a furry bikini to keep you warm in Alaska? On sale for only $89.95, I’m thinking I might have missed out on a deal. Hotness.

Bikini in Juneau

As if throwing the “gy” on dog, it makes for a cuter sign to tell people not to let their dogs crap there. (Ok, so it is kind of funny.)

Sign in Sitka

Ahhh…capturing a moment. Oh the joy.

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