comment from a reader:

comment from a reader:

I am a doofus, and just pressed the “reject” button instead of “publish” so I’m copy/pasting it here to share.



Gabi has left a new comment on your post “1,779 miles down…”:

Hi, just caught up with your last posts on BLR, and right after that got my quote of the day and thought it fit perfectly:
“Perseverance is a great element of success. If you only knock long enough and loud enough at the gate, you are sure to wake up somebody.”
– Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

We (your followers) hear you and will be here for the entire trip. And what I trip. I hope someone on the news finds out about you soon, I think this makes a great story. Then you’ll be able to post a “BLR on the news” link or something similar.

I feel the rush for your next part of the journey!
Good vibes to you and keep on with that strong mojo.


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