another round of thank you’s

another round of thank you’s

*Thanks to Al for Windy City fun as usual. Feasting and catching up continues to be fun year after year. Who would think two girls could clear a table at Osteria like this at lunch time?

Osteria lunch

Osteria lunch

*Thanks to JW and Nelsy. I’d expect nothing less than a tour of another house renovation, a 4-wheeler show and a beer with some pizza. Good old Kaiser’s Pizza & Pub in Gurnee, Illinois. Here’s a photo from the walls for your archives:

Kaisers Pizza Pub, Gurnee, IL

*The final midwest thanks goes to Bill and Julie for my Wisconsin Capital area burb stay. Holy cheese-fest and gorgeousness!

Capital in Madison

Madison streets

Love you guys. It’s was great spending time and feasting with you all!

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