Nice Wrap Job

Nice Wrap Job

I had to snap a photo of this truck in my hood last week. Someone got this guy sooooo good. Hilarious.

When I saw this, some funny high school memories came back to me. Back in the day, a bunch of girls and I had car wars that looked similar to this with all the boys we wanted to flirt with that were older than us. (Oh to be hormonal teenagers and try and get boys attention.)

Of course supplies for our car wars included Saran Wrap too, but also some of the following:
Maple syrup
Mxi pads
Shaving cream
Toilet paper
… (Use your imagination. We did it all.)
I’m not sure any of the cute boys fell in love with us at the time, but they did end up “winning” the war after a few weeks of back and forth. My car ended up the victim. I found out the hard way that it’s impossible to get Crisco off your windshield unless you have 4 hours to spend scrubbing it or have some kind of magic cleaner. That and I should’ve never thought to turn on my wipers. Driving to the car wash that day I looked like Jim Carey in Ace Ventura: Pet Detective. Oh the fun times.
Hope this guy didn’t find any Crisco underneath his Saran “wrap.” HA!
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