Maybe Cloth Napkins ARE Sexy

Maybe Cloth Napkins ARE Sexy

One of the biggest reasons I love running is because I have these aha moments. It’s like my alone time that things just come to me because no one is talking, no phones are ringing and it’s impossible to carry a laptop. This mornings thoughts; If I’m practicing healthy things, I’ll spend less money, be good to the planet AND be able to pay off my debt. Hmmm. One smart thing leads to another, then rest falls into place automatically and when that starts rolling guess what I get in the long run?

Yesssssss! I want it I want it!
That stuck and yuck feeling of not having freedom or confidence just plain sucks (I feel stuck and yuck if I fall into a pattern of consistently eating unhealthy foods, when I frett about paying bills, when I do don’t work that’s meaningful to me and when I panic that the planet is going to up and collapse because humans are so wasteful.) I don’t like feeling stuck and yuck, so I’d like to start sharing some practices I have adopted that I think could help others while I help myself. Some of these things I’ll share might seem small and silly, but they do add up and make a difference. I posted about eating local and organic for super cheap a couple days ago. That’s an example of what I try to do on a daily basis. After my own gluttony and ignorance in the past, I have made the following  intentions for myself in 2010 and so far they’re working like a charm:
1.) Respect the earth.
2.) Pat attention to my individual mental and physical health.
3.) Do work that feeds my soul and that I give a shit about.
4.) Spend less and pay off more.
I know can only control way I make efforts to live healthy and make myself happy for me, but at least it makes me feel good to try and share what I have learned from my 10,000 mistakes. My tip for today is (hey- not the sexiest, but for some reason it popped into my head this morning so here goes):
STOP buying paper napkins and paper towels. I haven’t purchased these things in at least a year. A roll of paper towels can be up to $2.00 and pack of napkins around $3.00 (if not more if you buy fancy ones.) Its probably safe to say the typical household uses at least 4 rolls of paper towels and 2 packs of napkins each in a month. That’s $168 a year! Buy some flour sack towels (pictured here from my kitchen), or cloth non-fancy napkins instead. You can wash and reuse and not throw anything in the landfill. I bought the 5 I have in a pack for $5.00. That’s a savings for me of $163.00 a year and they work better than the paper stuff anyway!
I don’t know about you, but I have plenty of thoughts on bills I could pay down or a treat I could get for myself or someone I love with an extra $163.00 a year. Totally worth it.
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