

One of my favorite things is taking a stroll to nowhere on a sunny and warm day like today, wearing flips flops and just humming pleasantly to myself. I mean, a real doo-dee-doo kind of stroll and humm…

Even better when I walk by those who look much less than fortunate, and right when I pass them and they’re about to look away never assuming me or anyone else would pay them the least bit of attention- I look straight at them and greet them with a big fat smile and hello.This stuff thrills me like I cannot explain. I know that smile and hello makes a difference. Those are moments for me. Big ones. And moments that just make me so thankful for my dirty flip flops, being able to walk with two healthy legs, have an overwhelming amount of family and friends that love me and feel that regular Saturday sunshine others might never get to feel.

Thank you sunny Saturday, for letting me walk down your street smiling, making moments and getting lessons I won’t forget.
1 Comment
  • melissa

    May 16, 2009 at 10:58 pm

    very well said.