A Stranger Named Jerry

A Stranger Named Jerry

I love this story. 

I think this kind of pay it forward stuff happens to us way more than we realize. We’re usually just too busy running around like mad or typing on our Blackberry’s to actually stop and pay attention to what’s going on around us live. (Yes, this means like out your car window, in your office elevator or in the store parking lot.) 
When you take a minute to really engage in your day, with people and what’s around you, it never takes long to start to feel inspired to join that guy who just held open the door for that little old lady walking into the post office. Think about it. Last time you were in a moment doing something nice/helping a stranger, didn’t you find that other people always jump right in and want to help too? It’s contagious.
In this story, a stranger named Jerry did something really nice for Michael and sent him a song he’d been trying to find for ten years. Michael in turn passed on the nice to EAllen4787 who I am sure has passed it on since. That’s just how it works. It’s awesome. 
Hmm. Wonder who I’m going to get to hold a door open for tomorrow or give an extra smile to. 
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