Peace Out Cubicle

Peace Out Cubicle

Here are some fun options for you if you want a part-time gig. Maybe your “real job” is a drag and you could use a lighter environment. Maybe you just feel like switching it up or could use some extra cash. Either way here are a few, especially if you’re interested in meeting all different walks of life:

*Flower delivery guy or gal; Flowers always make people smile regardless of the reason for delivery. (Didn’t you ever see that cheesy movie Bed Of Roses? Don’t lie- you know you did and they were totally on point.)

*Magic Man at Chick-Fil-A; This guy does magic tricks for kids during the lunch rush. Brilliant and what a treat for any age. I was fortunate enough to experience the magic recently. (Made the nuggets taste even better if you can believe that’s possible)
*Barista; Talk about a revolving door of every Tom, Dick and Harriet! Let your personality shine and just see how fast some big wig from whatever company offers you a job, or you meet the man/woman of your dreams. Everyone drinks some kind coffee or tea beverage, rich or poor. It’s almost as if baristas have a stage to perform on everyday. Rise and shine and rock out that latte art!

*Walmart Greeter; Yeah, yeah Target is cooler. Whatever. This persons job is to stand and greet all day. What a great little part-time gig for a retiree. 
*Cart “Girl” at a golf course; Yes, they actually pay you to drive around a golf cart, on a golf course, in the sun, eat peanut M&M’s and serve icy cold beverages to golfers. (OK, so eating the M&M’s is optional- but I sure enjoy it.) No this is not a lie. 
Oh so many more I will have to add on as time goes on. There’s no time like the present to try something new. When you do something you love and have fun with it, just always seems as if more opportunity falls in your lap. Gotta love that.
1 Comment
  • Chuck_Roast

    April 22, 2009 at 3:35 am

    On the bland topic of cubicles, (rather than my echoing the inspirational message to follow your heart / dreams and try something new or different), if you work in a “cube farm” and are tall enough to see over the tops, try walking around periodically, “slunk down”, so you can’t see over the top. Conversely, if you’re not tall enough to see over, stand on a chair, stool, or box such that you can. Either way, you’ll get a completely different perspective of the same reality.