I Hate Black Dress Pants

I Hate Black Dress Pants

You know that feeling you have when you get up and dress in something on you love and feel totally comfortable in? (Yes, it can be anything from flip flops and sweats to a suit or froofy dress.) On the flip side, you know that feeling you have when you get up and force yourself to put on something you hate or are uncomfortable in? Kind of ruins your day huh?
I call it KC.
My KC (kryptonite clothing) is black dress pants. They’re just not me. Crazy as it sounds, I never had great days when I wore them. It’s bigger than a pair of pants though, its symbolic. Wear what makes you feel great, have a great day. Wear what makes you feel awful, have an awful day. It’s amazing how this stuff works. My perfectly-fitting, trendy Banana Republic pants have since taken a trip to the Salvation Army.
Sure, we all have jobs, events and things we should “dress” for to be responsible and respectful. Of course. I am not saying we should throw all business attire in the river and live like cavemen. However I am suggesting that you wake up and put on whatever actually feels right for you and makes you feel comfortable in your own skin. If you don’t own anything that makes you feel great, maybe a bigger look than getting rid of some clothes is what might be helpful to you. 
I know. I am amazed too when I realize how significant these little things are sometimes.
1 Comment
  • Erin

    April 19, 2009 at 4:37 pm

    Love this post! My KC is panty hose and/or tights. If I was offered my DREAM job that paid me millions, but the condition was that I had to wear panty hose every day, I don’t think I could take it.