Two Words

Two Words

Mamma Zu.

The place where the service experience is typically like that of The Soup Nazi, the line is always out the door, and you always leave so full, fat and happy you can’t wait to go back. 
Do yourself a favor if you are ever in Richmond, VA and eat at Mamma Zu. There’s just nothing else like it. It has that dark and dingy joint charm that somehow works. The chalkboard menu is chucked full of the freshest and most de-lish food you could ever want. The white pizza is pretty much to die for, and I still say the cannolis are better at this place than anything I had in Italy. 
The best part is that you can get an appetizer, a couple of pasta dishes, a bottle of wine, dessert and coffee for fifty bucks. 
Oh Mamma Zu, how I love you.
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