Jem And The Holograms Were Always My Girls,

Jem And The Holograms Were Always My Girls,

but over lunch today I was enlightened with some very important info. that anyone who was an 80’s kid will appreciate. I’m not sure why, but for some reason I wasn’t aware that the saying “And knowing is half the battle” came from GI Joe. Clearly I was far to distracted with my after school episodes of Little House On The Prairie. 

I have just found some hilarious PSA’s/spoofs on the Real American Hero. You can Google the adult versions. (There are enough to have you rolling for a while.) I’ll keep it clean here and link you to an original version for a good bit of flashback fun.
This reminds me. Just a couple weeks ago, I walked past some college kids and gasped with delight when I saw they were using Trapper Keepers. They informed me “Oh yeah, everyone is using them these days, you can buy them a ton of places now.” Hmmm. Maybe I should have moved forward with my idea for t-shirts a few years ago that would have said; I have a Trapper Keeper. (Seems like they’d be quite popular.)
Here are some images that I dare you to try and not laugh at. My 1st Trapper Keeper had a light blue ocean scene with a sweet looking dolphin on it. Between that and rocking my side ponytail almost everyday, I felt like one hot ticket. Maybe I’ll try dig up an old photo to post sometime. Better yet, why don’t you send me a photo of your super sweet Trapper Keepers or Hammer Pants? Oh what fun.
(This post is for you E. Because we share the same ridiculous humor, I know it will make you laugh your a** off for a good half hour at least. Love it. Hows that for a birthday present?!)
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