Worth All The Ketchup Stains

Worth All The Ketchup Stains

I’ve waited tables for years on and off. So much of those wait shifts involve drama, smelling like bacon and salad dressing, running around exhausted, irate customers and all that other glamourous stuff.
Even with all the above, I have to admit I have actually loved my occasional restaurant jobs because of the customers and conversations I get to have. Today I was a part of the best interaction in all my years of slinging burgers and beers.
3 young guys, probably not more than 22 came in, sat at my table and ordered lunch. They were clean-cut, very nice and polite. A couple, probably in their early 50’s then came in and sat at a table next to these young guys. Somehow the two tables got talking and I overheard that the young guys were in the military. Next thing I know, the husband of the couple was giving me the signal and telling me to put the food the young guys ordered on his bill on the sly. Lunch ended, I told the guys that their bill it was taken care of by my other table. The guys got up, thanked the couple and shook hands. The couple told them “Thank you for your service. Stay safe and take care of yourselves.” The young guys said “Yes sir”, thanked me and walked out. I literally teared up.
I will likely never see any of those people again and they will likely not ever see each other. Total strangers, a treat, simple thanks and respect from a couple to 3 young guys who help protect us all and allow me to write and share this story with you now.
Thank you strangers. You are great examples to us all. You will be one of the added reasons why I’ll be thankful for all that I have in my life and continue to try to pay it forward like you do.
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