Find Your Spot

Find Your Spot

“If you don’t like what you are doing, where you are living, or who you’re living with- make a change.” 

This was part of a speech I listened to at a lunch I went to last year. It’s pretty simple, but so smart.
I’ve been lucky enough to travel and move all over the place for the past several years. The people and experiences I have had in search of the “perfect place” are irreplaceable. I hate to admit though, I have learned there isn’t one. Nowhere is perfect all the time. One of the best lessons I have found to be true though, is that if you live a place that you love, it’s such a big part of being happy. There is something to be said for waking up on a free day, seeing exactly what you want to do, then being able to do it right where you are. I have lived and been in places where I have woken up on those free days, shrugged my shoulders and hit the snooze button. That is a total bummer. It is not a bummer however, to live in that spot where you want to jump out of bed to take advantage of what’s all around you. 
Me? Thankfully I’m not hitting the snooze button anymore.
The spot that you love living might change as your life does. It might stay the same forever. What works for one person doesn’t necessarily work for another. Either way, you owe it to yourself to be able to “hit the” whatever- on those completely free days or after work when you want to. 

Here’s a fun little site to play around on if you have a few minutes.
Call me when you’re ready to pack the U-Haul. I’ll help.
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