

An overseas trip was Matthew and Jessica Flannery’s inspiration to create Kiva, an organization that pairs people like you and me (who don’t have bazillions of dollars to lend) in addition to big companies and philanthropists with entrepreneurs in the developing world. These entrepreneurs sometimes need as little as $100 to jump start their businesses which in turn improve the lives of their families and communities. As a lender you can actually choose who you lend to and follow their progress. How awesome is that? 

These guys started this all by asking their family and friends to lend a few bucks. Look what they have turned it into. 

Read some interesting information about Microfinance on the site. Proof once more that a little can turn into a lot and any effort towards helping someone else is never too small.
Hat’s off to you Kiva. Companies and people like you keep me- and I am sure so many others writing, believing, and thankful for everything that we have and that is possible.
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