It’s Your Stage. Work It

It’s Your Stage. Work It

What do you do everyday? (I’m talking about your job/where/how you spend 40-plus hours a week.) Do your 40 hours make you a fair living, feed your soul and teach you/allow for you to grow toward your goals? If so, damn I am jealous along with lots of others. Here’s a game plan for us that aren’t quite as lucky as you just yet:

If your current employer is/has been good to you, but you still feel like you need a change, in a fair and responsible way, use your 40 hours as your stage. This is your forum to meet anyone you can, create new relationships and keep busting butt with a smile on your face. Just keep doing your thing and be patient. Opportunity will come.
It never fails to amaze me at how blind some company owners are to stellar employees they have. It’s a real shame. In this case, get a little more aggressive than above. Shamelessly promote yourself. Heck, if you want to come right out and tell your current clients straight up that you are looking for a new job, while you’re still working at your current one- do it. Rules of professionalism get thrown out the window if you are completely forgotten and disrespected in your current position. You have to take care of yourself. What choice do you have?
Clueless employers; Smarten up. Sure it might be a tough economy and there probably aren’t a hundred jobs out there we can run to if we quit. Sure we have bills to pay and don’t really want to be jobless, but please don’t be foolish enough to think we (the stellar ones) will stick around a minute longer than we have to when new opportunity comes. Thanks for letting us use your place as a stage in the meantime though. At least we’re getting that out of the deal!
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