Broke As A Joke?

Broke As A Joke?

Yup. A lot of us are these days. The good thing is that cash isn’t the only way to make things work. It seems as if it’s recession this and economic crunch/demise/disaster that. Enough already! Lets be proactive and beat this thing. 

*The obvious one, Craigslist. Ads/postings are up 100% recently. Perfect! Get rid of that junk you don’t really use or need anyway and posting is FREE! Take the loot you make pay it straight to that high interest credit card. You’ll have a clean house and some extra bills paid. 
*Think about bartering. Maybe your hairstylist has talked and talked about getting in shape and you’re a personal trainer. Offer a session for a cut and color. Your neighbor is a contractor? Perhaps he’s willing to fix your back porch if you offer 5 nights of your babysitting services over the next few months. Then he can take his wife out on a few “dates.”
*Ask a friendly favor or volunteer yourself for one. Who would have thunk it? Just like the good ol’ days. Here’s a fantastic resource you can use.
Heck, maybe while your helping that sweet little old lady down the street plant her spring flowers, or dropping off that old washing machine you don’t need to the single mom- you’ll end up making a new friend or meeting the man/woman of your dreams.
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