Forget You Grey Winter Days!

Forget You Grey Winter Days!

Here we are, trucking through these chilly days of winter, counting mintues until fun in the sun. For those of us lucky enough to live in milder weather, we get treats of accasional t-shirt and short going out for a walk/run days. Those of you in the harshest of winter locales- here is a little tool that can help you plan to get up and off the couch on those frigid days. No matter where you live you always feel better when you get your heart pumping. Grab a neighbor or pal who will hold you to showing up at the gym, or that walk.

For those of you who might still have trouble getting motivated? I like the word revenge. Not to be evil, or cynical, but the best “revenge” to all those daily stresses or hard times we might go through is looking (and feeling) good.

Extra bonus? You’ll look great in that itsy bitsy teeny weeny yellow polk-a-dot bikini (or Speedo) by summer. Yeah baby!

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