Quitcherbitchin’ And Get Creative

Quitcherbitchin’ And Get Creative

Hard times, mortgage crisis, failing economy, blah blah blah.

This guy got creative and scored a job. 
Recently I marched into a bunch of places I thought I might like to work and just laid it out. “Are you hiring?- I am ready to bust butt.” No perusing the want ads, Craigslist or posting a resume on Monster.com. Just walking in and going for it.
The sandwich board guy? He showed up. Me? I showed up. This guy and I? We probably aren’t even that cool, we’re not super-heros or even a big deal. We are just regular people. We are also on the complete opposite ends of age, gender, experience, education and even geography. We still both got jobs in no time. (I was offered six actually and in only six days. I even cried at one of my interviews and still was offered the job.)
Whatever works for you, figure out some creative way to market yourself. Get out of the house and do something. Put on a monkey suit, get a mega phone-whatev. Lay it all out there. It totally works. You just have to “show up.”
I mean, you could just leave fate up to that crisp white resume you left somewhere and wait for a phone call, but don’t be surprised if your phone never rings. 
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