The Pizza Nazi

The Pizza Nazi

You’ve been here, you just don’t remember because you had too many car-bombs. Downtown Richmond, cash only, NY style pizza?…It’s the pizza joint at 18th and Main. 

If you ever been here sober, you might find it offensive and never step foot inside again. I find it entertaining whether I am drunk or sober and choose ignore the filth. 

Plan on having your money ready and don’t ask any questions. Pay, eat and get the hell out. That’s the style and it’s great. Time is money for these guys and when a hundred drunks are in line-they aren’t screwing around with any chit-chat.
Here’s a sign they have up. Check your attitude at the door, or your pie could get pricey.
You tell me where else at 2am you can buy a lighter, a condom, a hot slice of pizza, fight a crowd to get pissy service and possibly get puked on-all within 30 seconds. 
It’s charming really.
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