Blue Lollipop Road

go take a hike

At least that’s what we did yesterday! Can’t keep me inside when It’s 75 and sunny, on a weekend or a week day. (It’s Monday and I’m typing this from an outside patio table; my office for the afternoon.)

Here’s our view from the top of the mountain:

Panoramic from the top

At the top

Mountain Top at Crowder's

Life on the Blue Lollipop Road

As seen in these photos, things are not quite blooming and green yet, but even though most the color was brown, the skies were still blue- so I was happy. (Obviously.) Minus the littering idiots who left their Dean & DeLuca lunch garbage all over the place, it was a perfect day. (For god’s sakes, people- stop littering!)

I think winter has reared It’s ugly head for the last time this year. (At least in NC, anyway.) Time to grab yourself, your family & your friends- and go play outside!

How do you enjoy the great outdoors?

#Hike #NC #LetMeBeFree


hats off to the cold weather peeps

Today was nice. 74 degrees nice. This is the first time in a lot of months it has been this nice.

Each year when I try to be all “First world problems! I’m fine!”- when I’m freezing my ass off & feel depressed about the crap, cold weather. I can’t lie; I really want to stab myself in the face when It’s cold and cloudy endlessly, and snow happens. I hate snow. I hate cold. I hate it. Period. Vermont girl who despises the white stuff with everything in my being. I hate cold temperatures. I get bitchy, mean, and all those other things that I never want to be and that are scary to most people. Yep. I’m happy-happy joy-joy until it gets to be about this time of year and I think- Dear God, if it doesn’t get sunny and warm soon, I might have to buy a plane ticket to wherever the hell it is NOT 30 degrees and never come back again.

And then there is a day like today; 74 degrees and sunny.



(Or whoever.)

Hallelujah! Just when I felt like I was about to lose it, someone delivered me some sunshine & warm. I feel like a new human. As I sit here in the dark, with our living room garage door wide open, I can’t help but wonder how anyone lives through the 10-months-of-winter life each year that happens in so many states. I can’t imagine. Hat’s off and then some, to all those people out there who are tougher than me.

Here’s to “springing forward”, sunshine, warmth, and flip flops being the only shoes I ever need.

A photo I took in December as we floated away from Ft. Lauderdale on vacation:

Sunset in Florida

…just a little nod to the sun and warm, so it stays around.

What season do you look forward to?

#SunshineGoddess #SnowNeverAgain #IBelieveInFlipFlops


precious grains of sand

Those rare times when someone takes a few extra minutes out of their day, just to be nice, do something good or go the extra mile. Those are awesome times I wish would happen more. The below email popped in my inbox unexpectedly last week from someone we met on vacation in December of 2013:

Dear Diane and Kevin,

I just took a Facebook tour of your photos. It totally amazes me just how much you have traveled and how much you two have seen. I am so pleased our paths have crossed. Knowing people like you and Kevin has certainly enriched my spirit. I guess I am getting older and I am definetly not the man I use to be but when you share your life through photos like the ones on Facebook I am so grateful I did what I did when I was a younger man. So keep on doing what you are doing. Be happy, smile, love, live. Life is like a grain of sand on the beach. So small and so precious. Keep me in the loop with the Blue Lollipop Road .

Your admiring friend,

How sweet is that?

If had to guess, Andy is mid-upper 60’s. He’s single and travels alone a lot. When we met him he wasn’t afraid to sit down and talk to us (or anyone else for that matter.) He was kind, funny, and full of stories. I could tell he was a hard worker. An all-around interesting guy. We shared several meals with him during that week of vacation- we kept running in to each other and we all enjoyed spending that time together. And the end of the week we exchanged contact information and from there we’ve just kept in touch a few times via email.

This is letter makes me smile huge, and feel thankful, proud & motivated- to do more.

Everyday I wake up trying to think of ways to motivate and inspire people to be fearless, get out and travel, to explore beyond their everyday surroundings, and to talk to strangers. I know travel changes and teaches people, in a way that nothing else does and it is my biggest wish that everyone do more of it. I lobby to convince scared parents to let their kids take a Gap Year, or go on an exchange program, I try to convince adults their lives aren’t going to fall apart if they decide to quit that job or person they hate and go on a walkabout to get to know themselves again or to recharge, I myself explore all the new people, places & things I can on a regular basis so I keep pushing and stretching myself- and so I have stories to share here. Hopefully these are the reasons people like Andy above write me and tell me to keep doing what I do. I love that.

Here are some photos from that holiday vacation:

BLR in the Bahamas

Sweet Cajun Kevin

Cruise BLR 2013

Ahhh…the Bahamas.

Dear Andy,

Thanks for cheering us on! I promise we will keep being happy, smiling, loving, and living. You are right- life is like a grain of sand on the beach, so small and so precious. We’re glad there are people like you out there who recognize these things, live accordingly, and share in our adventurous spirit! We hope to see you “on the road” again.

Diane 🙂

Here’s to never knowing who you’ll meet and what friends you’ll make!

How do you connect to make new friends?

#LettersOfInspiration #RoadFriends #LiveLikeYouMeanIt


feeling lucky?

It is almost St. Patrick’s Day after all, so ’tis the season for green beer, Shamrock Shakes, and feeling lucky, baby!

I’ve never understood this green shake obsession. When I’m in the mood for something ice-creamy & mint, I go straight for the classic Ben & Jerry’s Mint Chocolate Cookie– but to each their own. I’m just happy when adults still get excited about a milkshake. (Or anything for that matter.)

Check out what I found staring up at me as I was getting out of my car to start my day this morning:

Aren't you lucky!

I picked it up for luck of course. (I believe.) Why not?

What makes you feel lucky?

#LuckyPenny #MorningSurprises #KissMeImIrish


st. vincent

I watched this movie last night:


In my travels, the most fascinating part of any time spent is always with people. I’ve learned a lot during thousands of conversations with strangers, (more than I ever expect)- mostly that everybody has a story. There’s little to be seen on the surface, always so much more to what makes each of us who and what we are. I think Bill Murray did a brilliant job depicting a more-than-meets-the-eye, guy in this film. Two thumbs up! He shows there’s still plenty of light, love and goodness, even in those we run into, who seem like they just don’t give a shit about anything or anyone.

Inspires you to be a little more patient & understanding about where that person you doubt came from and what they’ve been through, eh?

What’s your story?

#EveryoneHasAStory #BelowTheSurface #StVincent


play it forward 2015 official announcements!

The schedule for our 4th Annual Play It Forward Event has been set! See full details here.

If for some crazy reason you are on the fence about whether or not you will be participating, maybe I’ll inspire you by sharing a photo from each of our first 3 events…


Play Forward Give Back





Get on the bus, Gus! We’re doing good things, having fun and we want YOU! Won’t you join us?

Today is the day. What are you waiting for?

#PlayForwardGiveBack #RememberCelebrateLive #LoveHome


wish i was here right now

Blue Lollipop Road

I took this photo in the Caribbean during December. It’s now February 25th and I’m thinking next year we should save our time in the tropics for this month! (Why do I always forget how long February feels each winter?)

As the south freaks out about the impending couple inches of snow we are supposed to get tonight, I’m channeling the warmth I felt from this blue-striped beach chair I sat in a couple months ago.

Spring, we love you. Please come see us soon!

What beach are you daydreaming of during the winter chill?

#SendMeToTheTropics #BLROnTheBeach #ToesInTheSand


meet grazia

The Fabulous Grazia

This sassy, fashionable, world-traveling, 77-year-old, was the hostess of the Oscar Party I went to on Sunday night. I’d heard about how fabulous Ms. Grazia was for weeks. That was true and then some. This woman has the smile, energy, and the sharpness of a 27-year-old. She’s warm and welcoming to everyone around her. We had a blast.

Don’t you just love the sparkly vintage gown?! (Perfect that Lady Gaga is in the background on TV, too.) I’m about 40 years behind this lovely woman, but I hope to carry half the effervescence and joy for life that she has- for the rest of mine.

You inspire us with your never-ending smile, Grazia! – And absolutely embody my remember, celebrate, live mantra, by truly celebrating life. Love it!

How do you all out there, celebrate life Grazia-style?

#Oscars #LivingItUp #Ageless


don’t forget your condoms

We are going to this event tonight; Art, entertainment, and fabulous people- all to benefit Planned Parenthood:

Don't forget your condoms!

Whoop! Fashion creations made out of condoms by local artists? Awesome.

I’m a huge Planned Parenthood fan.

Years ago, I remember reading a gigantic binder full of thank you letters sent in by girls of all ages when I was in a Planned Parenthood office in Virginia, waiting to have my annual exam. (God those exams are about as fun as never eating chocolate again.) Some of the letters made me smile, some made me cry, mostly they made me thankful that there was a safe place to help girls who had nowhere else to go. When you’re a young woman sitting in a quiet waiting room reading words written by a 15 year old who lived in an abusive home and was always told she’d “get the shit beaten out of her” if she ever came home pregnant, but was fortunate enough to have a place to get birth control pills, or from a 23 year old who was scared out of her mind not knowing how to tell her boyfriend she was pregnant, but was fortunate enough to have somewhere that offered counseling to coach her to have that conversation with a positive result- it makes you stop and think about your own life; That could be me, any of us- and what would I have done if I was in those shoes and had no where to turn? 

Thank you, Planned Parenthood.

I believe that every one, every day has a chance and a choice to change their life. I will always be in major support of any organization that offers chances and choices for those who might not have them otherwise. Hat’s off to Planned Parenthood for all their years of education and advocacy to protect and advance women’s health and rights.

If you are in Charlotte, NC tonight- come join us for a fun night with an awesome mission!

How do you support the organizations you believe in?

#SupportYourCommunity #Choices #CLTEvents