
the life unstuck

Hi there, I’m Diane.

Do you know me? If not, welcome to the world of blue lollipops and Strong Mojo where we don’t waste any time because we know better.

My work/business is the no judgement zone, the no bullshit zone, the running like hell with as many people as I can carry, fast and furious out of the drone…zone.

Why the bleep are any of us doing things we don’t want to do? The choice pool in this life is so big and beautiful it blows my mind…just as much as the fact so many of us don’t take a giant swim in it every day.


If I’m not already, I want to be your no judgies friend. The pal that lets you know you are in fact, “normal” and it’s Ok if simply because you feel it in your bones, you want to change your whole entire life so you can feel less stuck. I want to be the one that you call and say, “Um, Diane, I’m like totally drowning over here. I make a boatload of money but I’m miserable at my job and I have been for a long time now.”

So I can say…

Ugh! Sorry to hear! That stinks. Sounds like it’s time to quit and do something that doesn’t make you want to jump off a bridge/yell at your kids every minute/eat more Cheetos and sit on the couch every night.

“Yeah, but I have a mortgage and my husband is going to be so pissed at me and think I’m nuts!”

No kidding, Bueller, we’re adults, we all have bills to pay. Everything will be Ok. You can make a plan and execute it. And if the hubs isn’t on board after you share with him that you’d rather eat glass than go back to that job you’ve hated for so long, maybe it’s time to quit him right along with your soul-sucking gig, too.


“Hey Di, I was at a friends wedding and I looked down at my ring as I’m only a month away from my own wedding and I thought, oh my god, I don’t think I want to marry my guy after all.”

So I can say…

Holy moly! Ok then, just breathe, you don’t have to of course! Don’t do it!

“Yeah, but so much of the wedding is already paid for, my parents will lose their minds, everyone is going to think I’m a freak show and I don’t know what the hell to do to even begin to stop this freight train.”

Well first and most importantly you need to tell your guy, and like- right now. Then you tell everyone else the truth too, that the wedding is off and things simply did not work out for the two of you.

“Are you kidding? But I’m 35 and want to have babies! How the heck will I find someone else in time? Plus everyone will ask a million questions! My parents will be so embarrassed!”

Really? Do you actually believe your parents would be embarrassed that their daughter isn’t really in love with the guy she’s about to marry and she’s brave and fabulous enough to speak now or forever hold her peace about it? Highly doubtful. And if they are, they’re probably jerks who need to check themselves. You can join my f(r)amily if you need to.

I’ve actually already had these conversations though, and a ZILLION just like them. (Yes, seriously.) Nearly every day from the time I started really traveling around 20 years ago until now, a friend, stranger, or client shares, asks, or says things that make my head spin. I shake my fist in the air at the phantom entities (or worse, real humans?!) not being honest with each other. Those thoughts or people convincing us if we date so-and-so, we are weird, that if we have a house that’s more than sometimes a mess we’re a failure, or that we should stay hating our lives some where or with some one because we’re “supposed” to.


Them: You must think I’m crazy!

Me: No, you are not crazy my friend. If you like boys, date boys. If you like girls, date girls. Hell…date them both for all we care. You are allowed to be HAPPY!

Them: This must be the worst house you’ve ever been in.

Me: Pshaw! Do you really think your neighbors have it all together in their neat-as-a-pin cottage? Think again my friend. Behind those doors looks EXACTLY like it looks in here. Trust me. I’ve seen it.

Them: But I can’t do that, I’m 50 years old! I’ve spent my entire life doing this!

Me: Why the hell not? Who says you can’t make a change after living half a century doing the same thing? “Aging out” is so last season, sister. 50 is the new 30. Go on whitchabadself.

Them: I hate it here, but everyone expects me to stay, so what am I supposed to do?

Me: The only thing you’re “supposed” to do, dude, is what you want. You make the rules. Get on your horse and ride. Your peeps that are worth it will follow.

Can we give ourselves a break, already? Like not beat the crap out of ourselves or each other thinking we should or shouldn’t this or that? Maybe we could share whatever heart break, hard day, or shit show is happening on our end of life a little more, so perhaps our friends, family, and neighbors finally find out (gasp!) that we are humans just like them. Clearly we haven’t thought enough about how short this life is, and how making it complicated with anything we don’t actually want is the ONLY definition of crazy.

Today is a gorgeous sunny 70 degree day where I am. It feels glorious for a winter day. It’s bittersweet as well because it also happens to be February 11th, which would’ve been my friend Maria’s birthday who I can’t see in person anymore. She and my other awesome fun, zany friend, Brandy are the original inspiration for everything I’ve done on this Blue Lollipop Road. Let me tell you who never wasted time; those girls. They also never asked for permission and that’s one of the things I loved so much about them. They danced when they wanted to, laughed too loud, and didn’t care if anyone joined them, because they were always having a blast.

I think we should all be having a blast, and worrying a lot less about what everyone else might think. 

In 1994 when we lost Maria & Brandy was the summer I decided to give myself forever permission to go, be, see, do, all I wanted to, and never apologize about anything I did if it felt right. I made lots of silent promises to my friends before saying goodbye. One big one, was that I would always laugh loud, dance a lot, and eat blue lollipops.

MAU Soccer

I’m still dancing…

Dancing in India

…eating blue lollipops:

Road Tripping

…and laughing of course. I hope this never changes.

Let’s all stop waiting for permission, shall we? The Life Unstuck is just around the corner. Everyone is welcome, and no, you’re not nuts. Come dance with us.

#TodayIsTheDay #LifeOutsideTheDroneZone #HopToIt


less hate. more inclusion. happy life

I was already a big fan of Airbnb, but after last nights Super Bowl, I’m now a super fan:

(Click here if you don’t see video.)

In my experience I’ve found, those who have any bit, of any hate, for any kind of rainbow, (sex, skin color, religion, etc.) are actually afraid of themselves. 

This world is big. Every heart beats the same. Let’s not be afraid of that. 

Hats off to Airbnb and every other voice, continuing to share the message that love will always win.

#WeAccept #LoveTrumpsHate #AlwaysLookingUp


two words

I guess I’m a writer. My grammar is terrible, I’m still not sure where quotes go, where commas should live, what should be italicized, capitalized, or what sounds good. I just write because I love to and I need to, to keep my sanity. Saying all that, pretend the below is formatted correctly in some kind of poetic form that makes sense:

you’ll never
don’t leap
you shouldn’t
too steep
not now
not you
i wouldn’t
don’t do
no chance
too fast
stop now
won’t last
turn back
go slow
quiet down
i know
these words couldve stopped me
nothing ventured or gained
instead i kept going
free to roam…unrestrained

I saw this commercial tonight:

(Click here for link.)

…while watching the Golden Globes. It came on right after Meryl Streep’s speech which was unexpected, and made me stand up and cheer. LOVE the two words Jeep commercial, LOVE Meryl’s speech.

Hoorah for inspiration and inclusivity!

#StandUp #LoveAlwaysWins #FreeToRoam


2017: the year of less crap

Welcome to Holiday Hangover Monday!

Money has flown out of your wallet during the past several weeks as fast as Usain Bolt crosses the finish line at the Olympics, and now your house is stacked 6 feet high with piles of stuff. (Ahem, crap.)

How’s that headache treating you?


I had mentioned a few weeks ago that I’d be announcing a project in the new year, so here you have it:

I am declaring 2017…THE YEAR OF LESS CRAP!


Think about no more feeling overwhelmed, buried, broke, sad, grumpy, or tired. No more excuses about not having enough time, space or money to do what you really want. Think about your stairway to freedom!

Go up

(The above photo is actually just the amazing staircase built in god knows what year that’s right outside the door of my current apartment in Madrid, but let’s just pretend for a minute It’s a stairway to freedom heaven.)

Back to work…

Do you ever just get totally sick of spinning in the same crap? Bills, debt, bills, closets and drawers busting at the seams, nutty crazy schedule, never enough sleep, haven’t quite dealt with those awful things that happened when you were little, or made peace with yourself about that jerk you divorced 10 years ago?

Listen, Linda, Listen!

…It’s time to get rid of our crap and stand up for what we want. Sassy little Mateo knows what’s up.

In this YEAR OF LESS CRAP, I’ll be posting tips, tricks, and saucy opinions here on how to get unstuck. (Subscribe below and get my blog in your email inbox…awww…snap! What a treat!) Hopefully I’ll be making some new friends, but I’m sure I’ll tick some people off too. I’ll be airing more of my dirty, dirty, laundry, and encouraging you to do the same. We’ve all got plenty, so let’s be real!

Here’s my CRAP:

I’ve wanted to finish my book for about 67 years at this point and I haven’t done it. Scared I can’t? No way. Disorganization? Hells to the no. Not doing enough for myself to fully commit to what I love and not asking for the help I need? Yep.


I know better. So do you, about whatever your CRAP is.

I hope this year you get so sick of yourself, so totally ripped about whatever you’re doing to keep yourself buried/miserable/frustrated/stuck, that you finally snap and make the changes you need. I hope your blood boils, you reach your limit, and riiiiiight before you lose it, you drop your fear and do something TOTALLY FUCKING AWESOME.

No more CRAP, people. No more, CRAP. This is the year to purge and fly. I will help you do it.

#LessStuffMoreFreedomHappyLife #LiveSimpleDoMore #TheYearOfLessCrap

*Tonight I told my Mother it sometimes makes me super happy to use “bad” words when I write. She said she thought there might be a better way to get my points across. I told her I agreed, but also just want to be myself; The unfiltered, truth-teller who often needs and wants to just let the eff-bombs out. It feels so good to be free…


what road will you choose for 2017?

I think I’ll take this one:


…this one:


…this one:

Spanish treats

…this one:

Sunshine in Segovia

…and lots of others like these, because:

Don't wait

We wake up each day and have one of two CHOICES:

1.) Ignore the clock.

2.) Honor the clock.

None of us can beat Father Time, not even those of us with good looks, charm, buckets of money, or who are strong as an ox. While this mighty beast of a timekeeper has full control, holding his finger on the button that decides whether we are here or gone, the one thing he cannot control is what we do with the minutes we’re gifted.

Don’t wait. There’s never the perfect or right time for anything in this crazy life. The time is now. Make a toast to honor yourself in this new year, and continue to toast to every day.

As Humphrey Hops says…

“You’re right Skinny Pete, it’s time that I do it. What am I waiting for? I better hop to it!”

#HopToIt #LessWaitingMoreDoingHappyLife #RespectTheClock


how do you choose to spend your time?

Today is Sunday December 18th and TED and I have been snuggling on this delightful lazy morning with coffee, happy as all get out, daydreaming and planning for a big adventure and the kick off to 2017 with some big stuff for Blue Lollipop Road. Lately this run of talks I’ve been watching are aligned perfectly with a new project I will announce soon.

Ahhh, freedom! That superpower gifted in America that we have everyday, to CHOOSE exactly what we do with our time and our lives:

A little hint about my new project, TBA:

The choices we make.

Today is the day to spend your time how YOU want. This ain’t his/her/their/those guys rodeo. Get on your horse and ride, baby!

#LessExcusesMoreTimeHappyLife #WhatAreYouWaitingFor? #ChooseYourRoad


the people of starbucks

(I wonder how many of you will get the title copycat reference:)

My business is not glamorous. I spend a lot of my days in what’s been called my “Sporty Spice” gear. We’re not talking about hot chick in Lululemon matching cute spandex outfit kind of stuff. More like the rotating 6 pair of shorts I got at the Adidas outlet last year for ten bucks each, and some variety of the 8,600 BLR Play It Forward pink or blue t-shirts I’ve collected from years of events. I’m often meeting with home services people for last minute improvements to get houses market ready as I organize a garage, or declutter several rooms. I might be unpacking from a recent move, or helping stage a space. I often schlep furniture, sort piles of paper in offices, or spend hours on the phone with cell phone and cable companies arguing better rates for my clients. These kind of tasks do not require the skirts, dresses, or heels I love. Sporty Spice wear all the way.

Just when I start thinking to myself Ok Diane, maybe It’s time to ramp up your sporty, grubby, get-it-done gear with something stretchy but at least still halfway cute, I see this:


…and this:


…and I think to myself. You know what? I think I’m doing just fine.

Do you see me trying not to laugh in the first picture? I took it last week. I was sitting near a fireplace at a Starbucks because all the tables were taken. I was having a Don’t all the other fine folks in this place look all fabulous in their business gear, maybe I should stop coming straight from the gym or client projects in my nappy old sporty things to catch up on computer time looking like this moment. Then? This woman came in, sat staring at me with her full spread of Bojangles chicken and biscuits, and noshed away. As soon as she finished, she proceeded to unapologetically pull her jacket over herself with a big yawn and take an hour nap. (At the time I was texting with my sister and had to send her a photo as I shook my head giggling away.) That scene gave a whole new meaning to “It’s Bo Time.”

Here I sit today (I think on the exact day and time I was here last week?) next to the fireplace once again because there are no tables available in this always hopping afternoon coffee spot. Sure enough…round two. Business guy in same chair kicks my purse after he kicks off his shoes that have housed his smelly (not even kidding you, stinky) argyle dress-socked feet, so he too can lounge as if he’s in his own living room.

Are you laughing yet? I am.

Ew. Stinky stranger feet in my face.

If I ever worry again about looking a little bit grubby or the least bit crazy dressed in my not so hottie mcdottie clothing at Starbucks…um…I won’t.

#ThingsPeopleDoInPublic #EntertainingHumans #ItsBoTime


gettin’ hitched

I went to a lot of weddings this year. My sister recently teased me, “Mom and I think you’ve been to more weddings than anyone else we know!”

Probably true. I love weddings. I love, love. I am a love geek.

So yes, I love weddings, and I’m a huge, huge schmoopy (thanks, Goette!) love geek, but I’ve never wanted my own big wedding. Read this piece from today’s Charlotte Agenda about getting married at the courthouse. Yeah! Perfection. Katie & Nick are my kind of peeps with their simple but sweet wedding plan and execution.

In 2015 as invites to weddings kept coming into my mailbox, I was thrilled for 2016 travel; Napa, Tahoe, Aspen, Charlotte…hello awesome celebration spots! Lucky me to have amazing friends living in fabulous places. I had a blast. If you catch me on a good day I might share details about the 6 hours straight I spent on the dance floor after Aspen nuptials wearing my animal print stilettos every second thankyouverymuch. (Thanks, Ronnie!) Lets just say I’m still giggling from that one. Misbehaving is sometimes fun, much deserved, and completely necessary.

Some people like big parties, some like small. I like a dance party. However you like to plan and do your party, do it. I will be there every time. Celebrating love and knowing there is plenty out there is all that matters:


You might see me at a courthouse soon, at a fountain in Madrid, or just on another dance floor. Life certainly does take turns we don’t expect.

Here’s to love in every shape/color/size/place. Cheers my friends!

Blue martini

(Of course It’s a blue martini!)

#OnlyTheBeginning #LessStuffMoreLoveHappyLife #Celebration

*Have you scrolled to the bottom of my web page and signed up to get these blog posts in your email inbox yet? Please do! Feel the love:)


the absolute reality of black friday…

…and all “shopping,” really:



Funny that I’m finishing this book today, on Black Friday? More like perfect, as these now underlined words keep jumping out at me with the same passionate madness that Tom Cruise had that time he jumped on Oprah’s couch.

Have I mentioned how much I abhor Black Friday? A day like this fuels the giant denial fire that so many of us live in everyday. It fuels the debt fire, the stuff fire, the fire of pushing down and hiding away our real lives…because if we get more, more, more…we will be better.


The less “stuff” we have in, on, and around us, the happier life is. Period. This is not my opinion, it is a fact. I would like to be proven wrong, but I have a feeling I’d be hard pressed to find a guy out there with a few hundred thousand in debt, a house full of crap, and a bunch of personal baggage from growing up he’s never faced, who lives in pure true bliss. It’s just not possible. We as humans weigh ourselves down with such an enormous amount of what we don’t need, we actually break ourselves. Ever thought about that?

I hope during this holiday season you take a look around your space and think about what you can get rid of to make room for an extra hour with your friends. I hope you stop and think before going into Target, about what you really need at Target. I bet you’re not nearly out of that soap, lip liner, or rolls of 86 paper towels you’re about to buy. Think about that extra awesome hour you could have playing in the backyard with your kids, that you were about to spend at Target in line getting pissed off about how long they are, just so you could buy a bunch of things that you don’t even need yet. Target is open tomorrow, dooms day is not coming, and imagine- just imagine, actually finishing off one bottle of something before buying another. Imagine putting that “I can never get out of Target for less than $200!”, $200, towards an extra credit card payment that will help pave your road to debt freedom.


Do you remember how great it was “doing nothing” yesterday playing football with your sons, watching the parade with your cousins, sipping wine with friends as you chopped and chopped? Do you remember snuggling up having coffee on the couch listening to granny’s stories about that time she burned the turkey? Do you remember laughing until your stomach hurt between dinner and dessert reminiscing with your sister about those really crappy guys you both used to date? Do you remember what you said when you were all going around the table sharing what you were thankful for? Do you remember really missing that person who was no longer around to sit next to and feast with? Do you remember how yesterday was (even in varying degrees of friend and family chaos and drama), all about simplicity and time together? Did we already forget, less than 24 hours later, about the things that really matter?

What kind of gifts are really important for us to give each other, and everyday, not just during the holiday season? I think the answer is time and truth. I encourage us to stop and think about this before we rev our engines and speed off to the rat race of Black (hole) Friday shopping.

#LessStuffMoreFreedomHappyLife #LiveSimpleDoMore #LiveSimpleLiveMore

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