Blue Lollipop Road

some faces that inspire me to always keep trekking

Our event weekend is approaching fast, just 10 days away! Thanks to the Bennington Banner for getting the word out locally for us.

I’m honored to host this annual community event, and so appreciative to all who come out, donate, and/or participate so we can keep the memory of these amazing girls alive:

Dedication page

Here’s to loving & living like today is the day.

Looking forward to seeing everyone!

#ThingsThatMatter #PlayForwardGiveBack #StrongMojoForever



Well this is some of the best news that could ever come across the airwaves!!! (And it totally deserves a triple exclamation point.)

My sister visited this week. I took this photo of her to send to a sick friend, but how perfect an image for a day like today?

With heart

So incredibly happy for many friends and families today. Love will always win. Period.

YAY! Finally!

#LetLoveRule #Equality #LoveAlwaysWins


this week last year

Because I am a nerd, and I live a life of reflections, I thought I’d peruse the ol’ iPhoto today to see what I was up to during this week last year. I found photos of cocktails & dinner in Charleston during a work trip!

Check out our visit to Xiao Bao Biscuit- recommendation from an old foodie friend who lives in Charleston:


Xiao Bow Biscuit is located in an old auto shop/garage and a cool, hip, clean space. The servers/bartenders were all attractive & fit young guys wearing simple grey v-neck t-shirts. (Ahem, single ladies- let’s just say charm, talent, and good bod be found here. Come one and all! Meow.) We ordered the recommended cabbage pancake from the menu, which I usually would have made the barf face at, until it came and I ate it- then we ordered a second one because it was that good:

Charleston Eats

Who likes cabbage?! I do now.

My silly partner in crime mimicked what the fish he ordered looked like:

Charleston Eats

I’m not a fish girl, so this was not my thing, but he was like a ravenous beast in heaven eating dinner. Results?

Charleston Eats

…just skin & bones, baby!

We had a great time here, then wandered the streets to the next recommended bar where we got yummy cocktails & dessert. Charleston is chucked full of endless delicious eateries and places to get good drinks. Mark your calendar and plan a trip to this little charming southern city- you will be glad you did.

#RoadTrips #Flashback #Foodies


as i sit here

…I’m breathing in a moment of feeling lucky.

I’m house/dog sitting in Uptown Charlotte, NC currently, sipping through sunset to night skyline time and doing a little reading & thinking. Pretty awesome:

CLT sunset

Sunset Charlotte

CLT Sunset

CLT Sunset

Loving summertime warm nights. Loving a balcony on the 35th floor. Loving watching a city skyline light up as night comes in.

What’s your sunset view?

#CLT #LifeInTheSouth #SkylineSunsets


time to get your soccer on!

Calling all MAU Women’s Alumni! We are just one month away from our Annual BLR Play It Forward event. Time to register is now!

Click here and get your name in the mix of hometown fun & doing good. We want YOU!

A perfect time of year to be inspired by the Women’s World Cup:

BLR PLay It Forward 2015

July 11th


Willow Park Fields

Bennington, VT

Be there!

BLR Play It Forward 2012

BLR Play It Forward 2012

BLR Play It Forward 2012

Remember. Celebrate. Live.

#BLRPlayItForward #PlayForwardGiveBack #StrongMojo


dashboard ride along

Smiling this morning because of an unexpected text message coming in at 8:20am from my friend Franklin with this photo:

Dashboard Road Trip

…accompanied by two little words:


Yeah! I even love the bug guts. It’s like I’m along for the ride with him. Totally awesome.

Now if I could only get these stickers spread throughout the land even more, and cheerlead more people to just hop in their cars and hit the open road of everything possible in this life.

*(Insert side note interruption of post…bonus! As I sit here at Starbucks writing, a guy sits next to me and I compliment him on being the second well-dressed man in that seat since my arrival. He’s reading a book about travel, National Parks, etc. We chat, chat, chat on general life stuff, writing, the importance of young people taking a Gap Year, etc. Super pleasant surprise? Absolutely. I could’ve talked to him for hours. A perfect stranger who shares much of the same thoughts on life. Love those kind of random interactions. It’s as if they are meant to be:)

There I go on a tangent again. Off to the gym…

Thank you for the photo Franklin, and the coffee chat, Russell!

Happy Memorial Day Weekend to all. I don’t know about you, but freedom is my absolute favorite thing, so here’s to honoring, appreciating, and giving huge thanks to those who serve so we can have it.

What do you do that makes you feel free?

#RoadTrips #GoingPlaces #LifeOnTheBlueLollipopRoad