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and for more trip twists…


Based on Honda’s Facebook poll from a couple weeks ago, the top votes are coming in for a special spot in NYC and also the NC coast. (Um, is somebody reading my mind? How did you all know I love those places? Then again, I do love a lot of places…:)

Polls are still open, there will be more going up in the next couple days, and of course all will remain open while I’m on the road, so stay tuned. I could be ping-ponging around much more of the country than I thought. I’ve never been afraid of crossing several state lines, so I say bring on the challenge! It’s already been an adventure watching the ever changing travel meter move.

As of tonight, possible NJ to VT to NH to ME to NYC to NC to PA (I haven’t even told you about that one yet.)- to ?, then back to NJ on the 19th. Good thing I’m going to be driving a hybrid!




never a dull moment

As I am sure you all are very aware of, the Northeast- particularly the Southern parts of Vermont where I have planned to head to to kick off this Honda Adventure has been severely damaged by Hurricane Irene. This means a lot of things, one being there are several road closures, detours and spots that are simply off limits as the enormous clean up is underway. Considering my pre-planned route and meetings go from NJ, through NY and into VT then through NH into ME, I will essentially be attempting to go through the thick of it all. I have been a less planning, more doing kind of girl during my travels over the years, just rolling with what happens on the road, so It’s ironic that I pre-planned some things for this trip, and one of the worst floods in Vermont’s history happens right before I plan to be there.

This is all to say that as I set off on my trip north on Friday, I have no idea the random roads I will end up on, what detours I will have to take, which festivals and events will still be on or cancelled, or in general what to expect. I do know there will still be meetings with people like Million Mile Joe and Marcia, the maker of Whoopsies Gourmet Whoopie Pies, along with some other interesting characters yet TBA, which I am very excited about.

Thanks to you all for fantastic suggestions, participating in my plans, and rolling with the adventure as it is ever changing. Here’s to expecting the unexpected!


welcome to adventure kick-off week

Here we are. 4 days from today I will be picking up my loaned 2012 Honda Hybrid Civic and hitting the road! I have anticipated this trip for a long time, worked very hard to make it all come together and I can’t wait for it all to begin!

I wanted to start this post by talking about Hurricane Irene. Where I have been staying since leaving Chicago a couple weeks ago there is no TV, so all news and weather reports come from laptops and cell phones. During a storm like Irene that just ripped up the east coast it’s an odd feeling to 1.) Not be able to watch and see what’s going on as easily as you’re used to 2.) Be in a place that’s gorgeous, sunny, and unscathed while the 3 states you spent your first 32 years in that are loaded with most all your friends and family get pummeled. I am happy to report all my friends and family are Ok and safe. (Phew.) I cannot say thank you enough to all of you who have contacted me from around the country asking about my family in VT. Even though you’ve known I am safe in Western NY, you’ve checked on about the people I love the most and I am beyond grateful for that. I’ve been watching countless You Tube videos and reading news articles about Southern Vermont where I grew up and I’m baffled. I experienced a lot of big snow storms growing up there, but never saw anything close to the flooding and damage that’s happened there over this past weekend.

During the planning for this trip there have been buckets of ideas on where to go and what to do. There are a few surprises I had planned (and still have) but I was going to wait to announce until Friday’s kick-off. Considering the weather and events of the past few days I will announce early now, that the trip kick-off will be in my hometowns area of Shaftsbury/Bennington VT!  I decided some weeks ago that it was important for me to share with you all a few very special people, places and things that are huge contributing factors in how and why Blue Lollipop Road originated. I will head to VT after the car pick up at the end of this week. I hope when I get there everyone is still safe, sound and starting to dry out. This storm is yet another reminder that all that really matters are the people we love and the time we have together.

Here’s to supporting your neighbors, holding on tight to people you love, finding something awesome in your day when things don’t feel so awesome, and knowing that “stuff” is replaceable.

Flooded and drenched or not, I LOVE YOU VERMONT! The Blue Lollipop Road has lead me back to you, so I’m coming to show the world how beautiful you are!


text messages from an old friend…

…that make you laugh so hard your stomach hurts and when you keep laughing about it 4 hours later you decide you just have to share.

In prep to paint the scene:

This friend I have known since I was 4. We grew up in the same small town together in Vermont. You could say he has been a bit overprotective at times, but never in a smothering way, just that really loving I’ll kill someone if they ever hurt you -way. I often think that he thinks any city is the devil and that no one that lives in one would ever be able to do something like build a fire, or put up a tent. (Even though he knows me.) He’s not a big “texter” so as my phone pinged tonight with 3 from him, I was surprised. My eyes rolled and heart filled simultaneously knowing that my long-time, sweet, generous friend was worried about me possibly being in this weekends Hurricane Irene path of destruction:

You are welcome to ride this thing out at our house if you are near. We have an automated generator so we never lose power.  Whatever you do, get the f*ck out of the city and somewhere safer.  Don’t be a raytard or an ediot (inside joke from high school) and stay there if that is where you are now. I should know better right…you are a Vermonter. By the way, where the hell are you anyway?

Ok, I am laughing again reading this. He will laugh too when he reads it.

Dear J~

You never forget me. A girl sure feels extra loved when a grown man with a wife and 2 kids is worried about her too. You are a true and dear friend. You know I am fine and can take care of myself and get out of dodge when necessary. Admittedly, it will ever get old how regularly you worry about me, when you ask me “where the hell” I am, or mention something about a generator. I promise I am safe in Western New York, where there is absolutely no weather, Godzilla has not yet attacked, and I have food and water. You still crack me up after all these years and I hope that never changes. Thank you for always being so good to me you crazy fool! I’m off to go jump out of a plane with no parachute. (Kidding!) Talk to you soon 🙂



why should cupcakes have all the fun?

More announcements:

Upcoming lessons and noshings on delicious Maine whoopie pies. Yeah!

I am excited to share that Marcia, owner of Whoopsies Gourmet Whoopie Pies will be hosting me in her sweet world of desserts for a day the week of 9/5!

Berkely and Marcia- Owners Whoopsies Gourmet Whoopie Pies

(That’s Marica on the right with daughter and business partner Berkeley on left. Photo by Mary Amons.)

For a girl like me who craves chocolate in her everyday, this is going to be like a kid in a candy store and then some. I love getting the inside scoop on how companies like Whoopsies came about and meeting the people behind the product. Of course we all know that starting and running any type of business is seriously hard work, but I am thinking if your product is called something like a whoopie pie and upon delivery (just like flowers) no matter what- always makes people smile, that must feel like a party more often than not. I can’t wait to jump into the fiesta with Marcia and her crew, and experience the whoopie magic and fun as it happens. (And taste of course!) Here’s an image of the goodness:

Whoopsies Gourmet Whoopie Pies


***Um, anyone out there a personal trainer and want to come on a road trip? Votes from readers and desires from me center largely around exploring eats and treats on my travels. (There’s a big surprise!) Consuming and relaxing with good company and conversation in my opinion is one of the very best ways to spend time. I guess I’ll just have to add some mileage to my daily runs so my clothes fit by the end of all this! I’m up for the challenge. Maybe I can throw a 5 or 10k race into the bucket of to see and tops. Anyone know of a good race happening around the Northeast between 9/2 and 9/19?

Back to the fun stuff…

I’m looking forward to meeting you Marcia and all about having an extra Whoopsie to take the place of the “lob-stah” I don’t eat! Two desserts instead of dinner and dessert is Ok if I’m an adult- right? 🙂


well hello joe!


I told you there would be something good coming. (And this is only the beginning.)

Guess who I get to meet and hang out with in 2 weeks? The one and only Million Mile Joe!

Hondas Million Mile Joe

Joe, like me clearly loves his Honda. His 1990 Accord that is soon to hit a million miles is the same exact year and model that was my very first Honda. How cool is that? Joe has logged his miles and miles in notebooks, (which I have done during various trips over the years) and taken countless photos of his odometer. (Me too!) I’m thinking Joe and I will have plenty of good stories to share when we meet. It’s as if we are kindred spirits in Honda love. Maybe it’s because we are both New Englanders?

I was thrilled weeks ago when Honda has mentioned a potential meeting, It’s been hard for me to hold my tongue, so naturally I am very excited to share the news here now.

There is a lot more to come in the way of surprises and tricks up my sleeve, so stay tuned and keep following! 7 days and counting until I pick up my loaned Hybrid Civic and officially kick off this next great adventure!


thank you thank you!

The gratitude continues to awesome, generous (and funny) people who support Blue Lollipop Road:

*Huge thanks to Matt at DPI Inc. in Wilmington, NC who has made and donated BLR signage for the 2012 Hybrid Civic I will be driving. You rock Matt! Thanks for always being a fan and keeping me visible as I continue down the highways of life!

*To reader T, who had a good time teasing me yesterday about my “Ancient Old Lady” check book balancing from my office photo. You crack me up. Yes that new fangled online banking plus a good ol’ pen and calculator. I cover all my basis (and I am still laughing 🙂 I’ll take the teasing any day of the week. Thanks for being such a loyal reader!