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planes, trains and automobiles

Well, actually- just planes and automobiles.

I usually drive everywhere (as you have heard the Honda love and about all my road trips), but tomorrow I fly to Boston en route to Maine for this weekends Whoopsies/Harvest on the Harbor and Million Mile Joe festivities. I got a super last minute deal flight on Spirit Airlines (booked just last week) so we shall see how that goes. I already found out about some extra charges and fine print, but round trip even with those so far is looking like a total of $175 non-stop Chicago to Boston, so fingers crossed no more hidden fees. I will report back of course. You know I love getting the best deal around and that’s all I can afford anyway, so I believe in keeping all flights under $200 if humanly possible.

It’s hard to believe it’s coming up on a month since I’ve been back in Chicago from my BLR Honda September Adventure. It’s all been a whirlwind! Going back to job #1 slinging burgers and beers to pay the bills, finding an apartment. to home base in, run around the city finding furniture and all apartment furnishing, sleep for more than 2 minutes, run, Zumba, dance class, and of course job #2 BLR and working on fun things like b-day #3 and the launch of this sweet new whoopie pie, finagling to make it to Million Miles Joe’s day and yet another collaboration that’s been in the works for a while that I will be UBER excited to report on when I am able. I have a few wrap up videos from last months trip I owe here that will be posted within the next week. After vagabonding for so many years, I have to say it’s been nice to walk in and shut my own door of my own little home at night, and sleep in my own bed. (Yes! I got a bed! First time in a very long time. What a treat.)

Besides the treat of a bed and place to actually receive mail and shower where I don’t have to pack up my toiletries each day, my home base offers the #1 thing that I was looking for: A place to have all my things nice and organized so I have the foundation to work on and plan even more kick-ass adventures and projects! You didn’t actually think this was it/home base established/game over did you? Hee hee…of course not! BLR year 3 has got some serious momentum and oh the “places” we will go. The more time that passes, the more and more I see that everything is possible, so I fully plan to continue on taking in everything I can and encouraging you all to do the same.

Next time you see me here I’ll be stuffing my face with a BLR flavored whoopie pie!


in honor of blr birthday #3…

…drumroll please…

I am happy to share the news that in honor of Blue Lollipop Road turning 3, My new and incredibly talented, sassy, fun friends at Whoopsies Gourmet Whoopie Pies are launching a new flavor called The Blue Lollipop Road!!!


If you have followed my journeys since the beginning, you know I am a chocolate and treat lover. My all-time favorite indulgence being Oreos dipped in Nutella. Well, during my BLR Honda September adventure last month I met Marcia and Berkeley (partners in de-lish whoopie pie making crime) who opened me into their sweet world to me. We became instant pals, I fell in love with their product, and of course during the time I spent in Marcia’s Portland Maine kitchen chatting away and noshing, we thought- what about a whoopie involving my ultimate favorite?


This is the official announcement for the Blue Lollipop Road whoopie pie flavor kick off. I will fly to Maine later this week to launch in person and work at Harvest on the Harbor with the Whoopsie crew on Saturday (the 22nd.) If you are around the Portland, Maine area- stop by and see us at this event! I am absolutely thrilled to work with such a fabulous company and people that make such a delicious product!

On Sunday (the 23rd) I will be with the other pal I made in Maine on my BLR Honda September Adventure; Million Mile Joe! As of this morning, he is literally just miles from hitting ONE MILLION MILES on his 1990 Honda Accord. Amazing! This weekend Honda is honoring Joe and his huge accomplishment that is just hours away in a big celebration and they’ve invited me. Of course I wouldn’t miss this event after meeting Joe and all the love I have for my own Honda. A few of us know about one big treat Joe is getting this Sunday, but there’s another super secret surprise for him Honda has kept that we are all looking forward to hearing about.

SO FUN! Here’s to big birthdays, super sweets, treats, and a million miles!

More soon…


blr birthday countdown

Only 4 days until Blue Lollipop Road turns 3! I am so completely thrilled about this birthday, I almost can’t believe 3 years have passed!

I will be celebrating this weekend and making an announcement which I have held my tongue on for several weeks now. (That is hard for me when I’m excited!)

Click on the 9/2-9/19 page above for a my Honda trip update and get your birthday hats out for this weekend! Now what kind of cake to have…


wahoo! it’s 80 degrees, it’s friday and i am in chicago

I know right? Stroke of luck as we all know I am in for one brutal winter. (Until I escape for some time in Argentina that is.)

Carpeting in my apartment is being installed as we speak (yeah!) Things are scrubbed from top to bottom, I have situated parking, had the cable guy hook me up and run all the other necessary I just moved in to a new apartment errands, all while working my other full time job and hitting the pavement to run, the gym to Zumba.

I’m working with my web guy for some updates here, so in the next few days you will see some changes.

We have a BIG birthday coming up:


So a celebration you ask? Yes, and a big announcement on a launch, a trip and something else that’s been brewing…

Happy weekend!


coming up for air

Hold the phone: I moved in!!!

Yep. Crazy. A home with an address. Me. Whoa.

Don’t you worry your pretty little heads- this girl is still going to continue the road trippin’ and exploring. That will never stop. People started thinking I was in the witness protection program and the post office told me I they had to cut down 64 more trees to keep up with printing change of address forms for me, so I thought I’d stop, breathe for a spell, and help save the planet. (Ok, maybe I am fibbing a bit about that post office thing…)

As promised, a big ol’ announcement is coming. There will be some updates and changes here to the BLR site. The adventures continue.

Hints you ask?



Anyone have a guess?


a little update love

I should be a real estate agent! I officially know every rental company, street, neighborhood and building in the city of Chicago. What a week of emailing, calling, searching, meeting, touring, etc. rentals around the city. I could write a book just based on the interactions and events of this one week. Fingers crossed I think I have secured a fab place to call home base! (I picture a rooftop blizzard wine party in my future. Eeeek. I need some winter gear.)

Among gaining some mad skills on using the refresh button on the Craigslist apartment rental ads page, I have been running a ton, (inspired by Forrest Gump and next weekends Chicago Marathon), working job #2 and of course prepping a fun upcoming announcement that you will all hear in about a week.

What’s everyone else been up to out there?

Here’s to Thursday!



blr loves the famous koch’s deli in philly and they love us back

Check it, check it!

Koch’s Deli, (which we visited right before jamming out at the Honda Civic Tour a couple weeks ago) linked to Blue Lollipop Road on their website.

Apparently they are loving telling customers the story about our afternoon together. That Ezra…he’s such a rascal!

Thanks Koch’s! Now you’ve got me thinking of de-lish hoagies…