News & Updates

did you know?

…that if you click on the “i” in the rolling header above with the photos you can read information on where and when I took each photo?

After I posted about Garrett’s Popcorn a couple days ago, someone from the company posted a comment complimenting that feature (Thanks Tammy!) I wanted to make sure you all knew to click there. It was all the idea and fabulous work of my good design friend Bobby. (His last name is Holiday, how great is that? No wonder why he is so cool and creative!)

Look for some changing/added photos soon along with lots of video. The pre-road trip, road trip starts this weekend when I head east. I can’t lie, I have been a bit stressed, stretched and busy, lately- but now that today is my last day of work in Chicago for a while and I am about to pack it up and hit the open road, those uber-energizing, overly-excited, free-spirited butterflies in my stomach are starting to flutter and that can mean only one thing:

I’ll make you check back to see what 🙂


one month from today…

…I pick up the 2012 Hybrid Honda Civic and hit the road to Maine to kick off the Blue Lollipop Road Fall 2011 Adventure! Whoop whoop!

Who out there has some serious scoop on what’s not to be missed in the whoopee pie-lovin’, lobstah-eatin’, costal-filled gorgeous state of the Vacationland?

Please post comments here, send me an email to: diane (@) blue lollipop, visit me on Facebook and drop a note here, or post a tweet to my Twitter account here.

Want to head down the Blue Lollipop Road with me? Stay tuned for some news on the possibility of jumping on the bandwagon!





the vacationland state

In 35 days I pick up my 2012 Hybrid Civic in the Garden State and head out for another big adventure! Time sure flies when you’re having fun and then going for more.

Guess where we are going to go to the tippity top of with a couple surprises along the way?


Maine kept popping into my head when I started thinking about a fall 2011 trip. No rhyme or reason, just a gut instinct that I should be there. Wouldn’t you know it, once again that gut feeling never leads me astray, so Honda and I are working on a meeting with quite a character as part of the adventure and he just so happens to be in Maine. September will be the perfect time of year to explore that Northeast landscape I love. You all will be voting on a whole lotta other stuff I do, see, and even what I eat while I am in Maine and other neighboring states. (Side note; Did you know Maine is the place for whoopie pies? I missed this festival already, but you know how I love my chocolate and treats, so a famous Maine whoopie pie stop will be a must. Yeah!)

You all know I am as transparent as saran wrap, so it is hard for me to hold anything back or ever be evasive about anything I am uber excited about, but this is where I will practice being “cool” about giving away too much information for now. I did chat with Honda yesterday, and can share that we’re planning to start the official polling on all Facebook pages next week, so get your Northeast/East Coast thinking caps on for all the things I can’t live without seeing or doing. This is promising to be one heck of a trip!

And who knows- you might be able to be right there with me. (Wink, wink.) More on that to come…


i got my baby back

Computer transitioning is not easy, especially when you’ve been on the same laptop creating serious habits for 3 years. I am now the proud owner of a much smaller, lighter version of what I had before and whoa mamma! I think my life has changed forever. This means that my “baby” (computer) fits in my purse and has a battery life that can even outlast my coffee shop time per day. Amazing!

If anyone out there ever wants to hold a pep rally for how incredible Apple products are, let me know. I’ll make a sweet poster and totally be there.


separation anxiety

I’m about to hand off my computer to the Apple folks for a full 24-plus hours. I can’t lie, I feel like a mother who’s sending her first born off to the first day of Kindergarten. I might cry and I think I need a cocktail. (Voice in my head; It’s all for the best in the long run Diane, this is just a part of life. Let go, let go, you can do it.)

Crazy- right? Sheesh.

I guess this officially means that Blue Lollipop Road is my baby. But I think we all already knew that…

I’ll be back as soon as I can! 🙂


hello there honda civic tour

More fun news just in:

While I am road trippin’ with my sweet Honda Civic Hybrid in September, I get to go check out the Honda Civic Tour with Blink 182 and My Chemical Romance. Yeah!

-And a few other things, hints, teasers on where I’ll be going, what I’ll be doing and things you might see. (Are you kidding me, this gets better?!):

*Did somebody say lobstah?

*Interesting characters to meet

*A Green Mountain state

*Gee, I bet a partner in crime would be fun

Stay tuned, “like” the Blue Lollipop Road Facebook page here, and get ready to come along for a great ride!



polls are brewing!

Voting will begin soon as to where you all think I should go on my September 2011 road trip.

I haven’t done nearly as much video in the past I have wanted to here (we are all missing out!)- so look forward to that to start coming in like wildfire too.

Oh it’s going to be so much fun.

Where would you go if you could get in a car and just drive?


how far can you go and how much fun can you have on one tank of gas?

I’m dancing a jig (actually, several of them) this morning as I am thrilled to announce:


Check out this gorgeous environmentally-focused vehicle I will be driving:

2012 Honda Civic Hybrid for Blue Lollipop Road

2012 Honda Civic Hybrid for Blue Lollipop Road

2012 Honda Civic Hybrid for Blue Lollipop Road



The title of today’s post is the theme of the upcoming Blue Lollipop Road trip:

How far can you go and how much fun can you have on one tank of gas?

We all know the best things in life are often free (or very inexpensive.) People always ask me how I’ve afforded to travel so much over the years, then are shocked when I share the minimal cost of my previous trips. Typically my biggest expense has been gas, which of course with all the Hondas I have owned over the years, has been affordable because they get such great gas mileage. With this new hybrid I will have coming up the gas mileage will be even better! Honda will be covering some of my travel expenses for the upcoming trip as well, which is an extra special treat.

Today’s announcement is just the beginning of some big time fun. In the coming days and weeks I will be taking votes as to where all of you think I should go, see, do, eat, etc. so stay tuned and get ready to participate! Honda and I will have voting polls on Facebook, and of course some other social media fun too. The trip will start on the east coast on September 2. From there the sky (or road) is the limit!

Can I get a whoop whoop?! We are going on the open road again baby!