utah was a little windy

The rest of those wide open states out there were, too. Especially with the windows down.
When’s the last time you felt alive?
#StartDriving #TodayIsTheDay #LifeOutsideTheDroneZone
The rest of those wide open states out there were, too. Especially with the windows down.
When’s the last time you felt alive?
#StartDriving #TodayIsTheDay #LifeOutsideTheDroneZone
Holy moly it’s TRUE! We just turned TEN this week!
I still remember the instant the name “Blue Lollipop Road” popped into my head. I was in the Outer Banks of North Carolina happily driving down the road the day before a friends wedding. At the time I was engaged myself. I couldn’t wait to start writing and sharing stories about my travels. I also wanted to create a way to help others find more freedom in their lives because so many people constantly shared with me that they felt stuck.
Here we are 10 years later and I get to help people simplify and better manage their time, space, and money, so they can have the lifestyle they want.
Oh happy day!
I went for a solo walk last weekend on the beach in South Carolina. It was right after a crazy storm. The air was so incredibly humid- as if I was on a tropical island. I was in heaven. Here’s a photo:
I walked so long it became pitch dark by the time I turned around. I may have gotten a little lost, but I loved every minute of it.
When’s the last time you were so in love with what you were doing you got lost in time?
At one point as I wandered through the warm night shallow waves, I posted a different photo of the sunset with this, on Instagram:
Ever stop for a minute in your days and think about what you would do if you didn’t have any more? I do. All the time. Maybe too much. The good thing is, I celebrate everyday like I’m doing right now, during my no filter sunset beach walk. Don’t like something in your life? Change it. That’s the BLR Lifestyle. We all have far too little time to waste any of it. Respect the clock. What are you waiting for?
For 10 years now, plus far more I’ve been inspired to keep reminding myself and others around me, that we don’t have to wait for anything; approval, perfect timing, or permission.
(Isn’t this the coolest? It’s a life sized red Blow Pop sculpture! Not a blue one, but I like it. I took this photo in San Antonio, Texas Thursday night during a delicious client dinner at Battalion. I thought it was perfect timing for the BLR birthday week.)
Life is so simple, and we complicate it. Aren’t the best times spent with people instead of things? Isn’t a meal shared with interesting conversation and laughter, the best kind of medicine? Don’t you think it might do your body good spending a night out looking up at the sky, instead of staring up at the television?
Not much sticks around for 10 years. My engagement didn’t last after the launch of Blue Lollipop Road (thank goodness, because I’ve finally found my right person!), my friend who got married that weekend in the Outer Banks is now divorcing, and there have been a zillion other ups and downs since then. What sticks for me though, no matter what swirls around in this crazy life, is that everyday is a chance and choice to change what’s not working. We are never stuck unless we don’t have our health. The things that weigh us down or break our hearts are not worth keeping us stuck, as days tick by.
I hope I get to continue sharing my stories and doing the work I love for 10 more years, another 10 after that, and more. I hope the same for you.
(Yep, they still have a row of phone booths in the historic San Antonio, supposedly haunted Menger Hotel.)
Ready to get kicked out of the drone zone? Call me, maybe…
#GetUnstuck #LessStuffMoreFreedomHappyLife #StartDriving
Hey there, summer! It’s official…we are ON THE ROAD!
Another butt-busting run of client projects, has left my squirrel spinning brain, far away from quiet, focused coffee sipping and writing time. Well, good morning today, from my catching up on things desk (friends dining table), in Virginia!
This mug jumped out at me when I opened the cupboard. We’re a match made in heaven!
Since my last post about crawling on the floor, we’ve done a ton more crawling, lifting, lugging, organizing, selling, planning and managing of client lives and transitions. I’ve also kept my cheesy thumbs up photos going, for your viewing pleasure:
Nothing says glitz and glamour, like hauling out a huge pile of trash upon arrival at a project!
The first stop on the Blue Lollipop Road Summer 2018 tour was Charlottesville. This client family had taken off to California, and we were the wrap crew. We got to work quickly sorting and selling items they left behind. At the very end of our stay, we donated the last few boxes, bags, and pieces of furniture to the good guys:
(Thanks for the pick up, Salvation Army!)
Not a bad location for a week of work…
If you haven’t been to Charlottesville for a while, you should put it on your calendar. I used to go regularly, back in my Richmond days, and boy has it grown since then! Amazing food, lots of fantastic music/art, and events. Best? This gorgeousness in wine country, a 15 minute drive away:
Because we think it’s important to work hard and celebrate even harder, we did just that on one special day:
Pippin Hill Vineyards is a perfect spot to make a big, bubbly toast. (You’ll have to keep following here for news on what we were celebrating. There are lots of exciting things coming up this month.) In true BLR style, this summer has ended up being like many others; thousands of miles of adventure about to be logged in the books, for both work and fun. I wouldn’t have it any other way.
We’re thrilled we were able to help this last “C’ville” family happily launch into their new West Coast life, while we took care of business for them back East. We love that we can travel anywhere to make any kind of transition easy, for those who might otherwise find big change, stressful.
Are you ready for a lifestyle switch up? About to lose your mind with too much on your plate during a move? Ready to empty that nest? We’ve got your back! Drop us a line, anytime. In the meantime, cheers to warm days and sunshine!
Next up:
Weddings, baseball, feasting with friends, 2 big birthdays, and oh, did we mention, concerts at Wrigley Field?
Rock on! See you on the road…
#LifeOutsideTheDroneZone #TodayIsTheDay #StartDriving
Hi there. If you haven’t been here before, welcome to the celebration. This is day 32. For the year 2018, anyway.
I’m Diane. This is me goofing around at Domaine Carneros a couple of weeks ago:
I love the bubbles there. They’re extra special with good company, too. Life is about celebrating everyday, right? And the people. Yes. The ones you love and those who make you laugh.
I don’t think we celebrate enough. I think we wait until it’s often too late. I think we’ve made a bad habit out of “saving up” for the perfect time or chance to live like we are actually alive.
The clock is ticking. When will we learn?
I do my best to work and practice what I preach by getting all fired up and excited about small, silly, insignificant things everyday, and taking anyone who let’s me, along for the ride. Kid in a candy store baby, it’s the only way to be while all the sweetness is there for the taking. When we practice having more gratitude, we have less attitude, and a helluva lot more fun.
So about this whole “celebration” thing?
Since meeting Noah Scalin years ago at an event where he shared his Skull-A-Day art project, I’ve been a little obsessed with doing my own 365 project. I attempted one in 2014 and it lasted for a bit over two months. This year I’m determined to go all the way for 2018, filling your inboxes with funny, strange, head-scratching things each day that I’m having a little party (celebration) about. I hope you will continue to follow along, and think a little more about feeling the thrill of at least one little ridiculous awesome thing everyday, too. (Scroll down to the bottom of my webpage and sign up for daily email notifications if you haven’t already.)
When we do things that make us happy, we stay unstuck, when we are not stuck, we are more badass, when we are badass, we take life by the you know what’s and don’t wait for damn permission from anyone to do whatever the heck we want.
Did you know you have the choice to do whatever the heck you want?
This Blue Lollipop Road was inspired by a couple of crazy joyful girls who didn’t care what day it was, they lived like they meant it. I will always be inspired to do the same. Today I celebrate making the choice to celebrate. Staying happy is a practice. Lace up, buttercup, and get in the game. The whistle just blew and it’s go time…
How are you going to start celebrating more?
#StartDriving #LifeUnstuck #TodayIsTheDay
*Feeling stuck as a pig in a pit? Call me! (804.339.6514) I can help.
I’m a AAA member, and have been for years. (Road Trippin’/travelin’/nomadin’/adventurin’ peeps, unite!) These horrifying stats just came to my email inbox from AAA about National Plan For Vacation Day:
Last year 54% of American didn’t use all their vacation time?!
Oh. Em. Gee. My heart breaks for people out there who are a part of that 54%. WHAT ARE Y’ALL WAITING FOR?! (I just had to get all southern for a minute, I’m so sad for that fact!)
Dear Friends,
Let’s start respecting the clock. Shall we?
Love, Diane
I bet:
*You could use a break
*You have a grand baby across the country you want to snuggle more with
*Your mom has been bugging you to visit
*Your jeans are bursting at the seams after the holidays and the gym is calling
*Your college reunion is coming up
*You’re in love with someone across the state you want to smooch
*You have needed to go to the dentist for a while now
*You are so over that closet piled full of crap you don’t use, need, or want
*Your kids kept you up all night last night
*Granny keeps calling, she wants you to meet her for lunch
*The Big Game is coming up and you sure would like to stuff your face with nachos watching it with friends
*Your passport is about to expire and it has no stamps
I’m wrong? None of the above? Ok, then I bet:
*That nonprofit you’re super passionate about could use some more extra help
*Your brother misses you
*Your guitar is collecting dust
*That cooking class only has one spot left available
*Your convertible hasn’t seen the sun in ages
*That book! That book is still sitting half-read on your bedside table
*You keep staring at that photo of the glaciers in Patagonia wondering why you haven’t been
*You’re daydreaming of a palm tree, a cold beer, and a moment of silence
One or more apply to you? Think it’s maybe time to go, be, see, and/or do what you want, need, or should?
Today I celebrate saying goodby to the office/cube/”work” for a day, week, or month, and hello to taking the time you have earned.
Not taking vacation…time…for your heart, health, and well-being, is about as bad as showing up to your should be inspiring commencement speech and telling all the fresh faces in caps and gowns the world sucks, there’s no hope for anyone, and Dr. Seuss was wrong, because they will never go anywhere.
Please don’t do that.
I challenge you to walk in to the big kahuna and tell her (see what I did there?) you’re going to take a few days to go hiking in nature alone, then spend the rest of your other few days just hanging with your family doing a whole lot of nothing other than being together. (Or whatever other very simple or over the top thing you can think of.) You will be taking ALL of your vacation days this year thankyouverymuch.
Let’s wipe out waste (of every kind.) Especially wasted time.
#RespectTheClock #TodayIsTheDay #LifeUnstuck
*Ready to get outta dodge, near or far? Call me! (804.339.6514) I can help.
Today I celebrate French Onion Soup. The at home version we made this afternoon:
…wasn’t quite as pretty as what we got last week at Bistro Jeanty, (a must go to in the Napa Valley):
…but, hello! Soup that’s topped with bread and melted cheese on a winter Sunday?! Oui, oui! It’s tasty, no matter what it looks like.
Good food, I so love you.
What are you feasting on?
#ExperiencesNotThings #Travel #Foodie
*Feeling stuck? So bored you’re falling asleep in your soup? Call me! (804.339.6514) I can help.
Today I celebrate friends who start their own travel companies:
Check out this trip to Ireland in May! A great deal and opportunity for off the beaten path adventure with a couple of experienced and talented hosts. It’s pretty awesome when people find their super passions and want to share them with others.
Maybe it’s time for you to fly away, little birdie?
#Wanderlust #LifeOutsideTheDroneZone #ExperiencesNotThings
*Ready to take a trip but don’t know where to start? Call me! (804.339.6514) I can help.
Today I celebrate that moment the last person enters the plane for a red eye flight, and walks right by your row leaving an empty seat:
I’m all about talking to strangers, but room to stretch and snooze on a long overnight journey sitting in coach is like, hallelujah! These blue lollipops always bring me good luck:
…some say they have a little mojo. (Wink.) I believe!
What brings you luck?
#Wanderlust #EverydayAdventures #LifeOnTheBlueLollipopRoad
*Need to get back to being excited about the little things? Call me! (804.339.6514) I can help.
Today I celebrate cheese (of any kind), because it’s so damn good. Fresh burrata and epi bread:
Appetizer of champions, tonight! (PS ~ Have you heard cheese builds muscle? It’s true.)
What are you feasting on?
#Eat #Foodie #Travel
*Want the scoop on great places to nosh when you travel? Call me! (804.339.6514) I can help.
Today I celebrate being goofy:
Just because you’re a grown up, doesn’t mean you can’t be chock-full of joy and ridiculousness.
This life is not a practice session. What are you waiting for? JUST JUMP! (Pants not required.)
#TodayIsTheDay #ExperiencesNotThings #LiveOutsideTheDroneZone
*Feeling stuck in the gerbil wheel? Call me! (804.339.6514) I can help.