Great companies

small and simple goodness

People ask me all the time how I afford to travel and live the lifestyle I do. The answer is simple: I don’t buy or keep a lot of crap and I never have.

I LOVE this TEDtalk by Graham Hill. Here’s his awesome pad in NYC. (This makes me miss the 430 sq ft apartment I had a couple years ago.) Here’s another one of his many projects: Life Edited. How much do I love those two words together? How much do I love him? Not only is he intelligent, environmentally conscious, and living minimal like me- but he’s adorable too. Sign me up for the president of the Graham Hill fan club!

I’ve always promoted keeping the best and getting rid of the rest. (Are you listening Mom?) As Graham talks about in the links above, The amount of stuff most America own is unnecessary, causes stress, costs too much, and is bad for the earth. Who wants to use their free time to take care of all that junk? Why should we spend years paying off debts from purchases we didn’t need in the first place? What would you do with more time and more money?

I completely agree with owning nice quality possessions. For instance, I own Apple products, use Moleskin notebooks, wear Ray-Ban sunglasses, currently carry a Cole Haan purse, and even have Frye boots. Name drop schname drop. I’m not trying to portray some cool, fancy image. (I mean, I sleep in my car for god’s sakes.) This is simply to illustrate name brand not-so-cheap, but quality (at least in my opinion) items that even I can afford. I’m 34 years old, live on a poverty level salary (and have since I moved out of my parents house at 17) and even I can afford quality things. How? 1.) I research, monitor and buy only when there is a sale or discount. 2.) I buy ONE. (How many things could I possibly use at the same time?) 3.) I use these items EVERY DAY until they are completely used up, broken, or worn out before I buy another. I’ve chased buses down the slushy Chicago streets in my brown Frye boots and owned them for about 2 years wearing them nearly every day; they are in perfect shape. I bought sunglasses that fit and were comfortable for my face nearly 5 years ago. I wear them every day; they don’t have a scratch. I use my Macbook and iPhone most waking hours; they both look like they just came out of their boxes. (I could go on.)

Buy quality things you love, use them every day, take care of them, and don’t buy another until the one you have has completely gone to the grave.

Less crap, less stress, more time (our most precious commodity) more money, more freedom. Boom! Who’s going to spend this weekend emptying out their basement? (Message me if you need help. I LOVE liberating lives: Diane @

Now if Graham ever reads this and wants to take on my dream of a mini barn-house renovation. Or a date…:)


we like mighty fresh foods

Another sponsor has stepped up for BLR Play It Forward!

Meet Mighty Food Farm:

Might Food Farm logo

We are so lucky to have not one but two local farms in our sponsor lineup for our big event. Yay for farm fresh food and Vermont Farms that help keep us all feeling playing our best and healthiest!

Thank you for your generosity Mighty Food! Your sponsorship is going to help us put on the best event ever! We LOVERMONT.


we are your team…

…for the Rand McNally/USA TODAY Best of the Road rally 2012!


Because we can finish a Ben & Jerry’s Vermonster no problem!

The Peacock's at Ben & Jerry's

Talk about being able to hang!

Welcome to the world of the Peacock’s. Sure, Mom and I had some help on this giant bucket o’ goodness, but we are not afraid and we like a good challenge! We finished:

20 scoops of ice cream

4 bananas

4 cookies

4 brownies


Various chocolate toppings and tidbits

Hot fudge

Whipped cream


Mamma Peacock and I are ready to take on whatever other buckets of goodness are out there in Small Town America, so VOTE FOR US! Team Blue Lollipop Road!

Where do you want to send us to find the good treats?


now this is a mobile home

Check out the Swiss Room Box. How cool is this?

A Canadian reader who started following here when I was driving to Alaska in 2010 just sent me this link. I’m thinking I might need one for the BLR-mobile!

Mom, you’ve always said I’m hard to buy for- but I think I may just have found something to put on the birthday wish list…

Anyone out there who’s found neat products and companies like these- keep sending!



what makes you come alive?

Check out my friend Sean, Founder of One Week Job:

Today is a prefect day for me to share this, as I have made a big decision in this theme of coming alive. I will share all about it here in 3 weeks, so stay tuned.

If whatever you are doing with your time isn’t making you come alive, the time is now to make a change.

Thanks for being an awesome inspiration Sean!


as i dream of barbados

I don’t like to use terms and words like hate, despise, etc. because I try to choose a positive and hopeful mindset about everything I can, but I have a confession; I REALLY don’t like the cold. I mean I totally suck at it. I’m living in Chicago right now so that doesn’t make much sense, I know. I’ve never dreaded a season more than I dread the frigid temps I will experience these next few months, but I’m determined to embrace it and be a survivor! There’s a method to my madness for being here and a reason for everything- even torturing myself through the brutal misery of The Windy City winter. So I will keep my goals in mind as I cuddle in and do my best to stay cozy warm while I enjoy all the amazing sights, sounds, people, places and things around this awesome city.

Now I need boots.

I was in Maine at L.L. Bean a few weeks. Who doesn’t love Bean? At the time I couldn’t bring myself to by boots, because well- I don’t want to live in a place where you need things like boots, but attempting a Midwest winter without them would just be silly.

So I signed up for email alerts from Bean and have found a triple threat of deals that I’m going to take advantage of:

*FREE shipping, any size order

*10% off any order now through 11/13

$10 off any order of $50 or more for anyone who signs up for email alerts.

Check out the above and take advantage here! 

I love a deal and L.L. bean rules at them.

L.L.Bean is open 24/7 and 365. Yes- everyday, every hour, year round. There are no locks on the doors at the Freeport Maine flagship store. Even better you can return any thing and any time for any reason. No joke. When I was a teenager I had a backpack that I used for about 10 years. I actually cut the zipper with scissors one day because I kept getting it stuck. I sent it back to Bean, they didn’t even make the same bag anymore but with no questions asked sent me the most similar one to mine shiny and new. If you’re not satisfied they fix it plain and simple. They want you to be happy and confident with your purchase for it’s lifetime. (Or yours for that matter.) Do I feel confident in putting my hard earned money into a purchase at L.L. Bean? You betcha- and like no other company.

Now off to order my boots. Wish me luck this winter…


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