Donations and Sponsorships

community support = awesome

What a happy surprise to arrive at my office today from the Bank Of Bennington!

Scholarship Donations

One of our alumni friends works for Bank Of Bennington, and now for 2 years in a row, they’ve matched her donation to the Blue Lollipop Road Memorial Scholarship fund. Now that’s what I call awesome! I dig companies who do good.

Thanks Bank Of Bennington! Your support helps give students the opportunity to travel and see a world they might not otherwise have the chance to.

#Community #DoGood #PlayItForward


hometown support for the 3rd annual blr play it forward event

Yay for The Bank of Bennington! They matched a donation to the registration fees our alumni friend Kristen Fisk (a bank employee) paid. We love alumni and companies who support BLR Play It Forward & the BLR Memorial Travel Scholarship Fund.

Thanks Kristen and Bank of Bennington!

How’s your business giving back?

#PlayForwardGiveBack #Community #BLR2014


viel dank

(Translation; Many thanks in German.)

I’m running out of languages to say thank you in that use letters. (There are obviously plenty that use symbols but those are hard to make on my laptop alphabet keys.) In an effort to not be a repeat offender, I will be revisiting the languages I have already used and adding to the regular thank you translations to come up with some different options.

*Terrie~ Your donation was a lovely surprise and has been used to pay for some grocery store trips. Since staying with the lovely ladies I have been, we’ve cooked up some incredible feasts to enjoy time together and the amazing view from the house. Your generosity is much appreciated.

*Erin and Diane~ What a fabulous 11 days it has been and I so appreciate your hospitality and welcoming me. A comfortable place, DE-LISH food, great views and hilarious company? I’m in. You are never getting rid of me!

*Abby~ I cannot tell you how wonderful your message made me feel yesterday. It really made my day. If I ever question why I keep writing here, investing so much of my time, heart and soul and catch myself ever doubting my path, those thoughts quickly fade thinking of people like you out there that appreciate reading my random babble. Your words support what I know in my heart; This is exactly what I am supposed to be doing.

*Mom~ Thank you for being in my eyes, the definition of what a mother should be; The one human on the planet that no matter what, will love, support, encourage, protect and stand by anything and everything you ever want to be with a smile and a hug. That’s what you have always been and I love you forever. I can’t wait to see the day you start gifting yourself all the goodness you deserve and demand the respect you’ve taught us all to.

Time and time again I am shown that when you do what you love/what makes you happy, people and the universe always show up to support you. I believe that now more than ever and don’t take it for granted for a second. Cheers to steppin’ to it!


look! it’s the first pay it forward recipient!

This makes me so happy. I sent a check to Erin in honor of my friends, and as promised, the pay it forward from my Alaska or Bust adventure. Erin is still waiting on final word from the Peace Corps to see if she will be given an assignment in February or not. Lets all cross our fingers for her! Here’s her smiling face:

First BLR pay it forward recipient Erin P!

I cannot say thank you enough for the donations, love and support for Blue Lollipop Road. It all helps me to continue to live the life I believe in and hopefully inspire others to do the same. I am truly happier than I have ever been. I’m doing work that I’ve always wanted to, spending time that makes me feel healthy, and I finally feel like me.

As for pay it forward from here; 10% of donations are continually saved in a BLR account. January 1, 2010 will be when I pick the next recipient. Please stay in touch, keep reading and sending me your stories! Here’s to living on your own meaningful and fun road, whatever that may look like.

Love ya Kid~ and totally proud of you.


i drove through a tree

Pretty cool and fun to do. The guy at the booth was supposed to charge me $6 to pass through and he let me go for free! I said to him when I rolled up; Really? 6 bucks? I am a broke traveler and just want to pass through so I can get some photos to post on my travel blog. (That’s the truth!) Maybe so many people will want to drive through trees after reading my post they will come in droves and you will become a millionaire!

He grumbled juuust a teeny bit, but then laughed and waved me through at no charge. Thanks Mr. Tree!

Honda Civic through a tree

The little Honda Civic that could, loves the Giant Redwoods and gorgeousness of the Humboldt Redwoods State Park

Road in Redwoods

I really like photos of roads. Hmmm, that gives me an idea…



(That’s thank you in Portuguese.)

Round 500 of thank yous. Oh how I’m so thank for/to:

*The Brothers Covey~ Indian food and fantastic conversation after 10 years- fabulous. I promise I will some how, some way keep pushing to revamp the twisted imbalanced American Corporate Culture.
*Neil and Christina~ 6 years later, feasting and exciting new upstarts. Cheers to that and let me know what I can do to help!
*Erin~ Vino, independence, guys with a name that start with an “S”, and bitch please! Never a dull moment right?

Oh how you’ve made my bay stay a blast and perfect way to wrap up summer 2010 Alaska or Bust!


dank u

(That’s thank you in Dutch.)

The endless round of thank you’s to those awesome peeps who help keep me fed, give me a place to sleep and provide good entertainment or new friendships and other good stuff on the road:

*Alex~ You are sweet and generous. I am always humbled by service people and your selflessness. Thank you.
*Judy~ The Love Shack was a great little home and resting spot. Here’s to meeting new friends in my 50th state!
*Katie and Alison~ What can I say? To new fun and sassy gal pals in Portland at such last minute randomness? Love it.
*Greg~ To the different planets we live on, but somehow the same head and heart place and not drowning in whitewater.

I’ve had the good fortune of meeting, spending time with, being fed, housed and supported by countless people on this trip. I’ve even been treated to whitewater rafting. So fun. One of the best things I have been able to do on this trip is tour someone around with me that has barely been out of his own state let alone comfort zone. I’m talking someone who has never eaten gelato or Dairy Queen. The simple things. The sights, sounds and flavors to him are like exposing a kid to a candy store and telling them; Go on in kiddies- it’s allll free! A pretty amazing way for me to be able to pay it forward. The world is perhaps more his oyster now, the way it became mine 16 years ago. Now there’s no going back.

I have officially realized to the nth degree that we live in a country that affords any and all of us the possibility of doing and being whatever we darn well want.

Can you believe it?!

So I’ve decided I’m going to keep on doing just that and I hope you all do too.

Here’s to oysters, candy stores and freedom of choice.



More thank you’s because there are so many helpful, generous and wonderful people out there!

*Kelly- I have carb-loaded and run around the hills of Seattle a ton the past few days.
*Mike and Eng-Shien- I’ll be posting photos from our “crabbing” here- thanks for the boat ride and hike.
*Andrew- Hope your leave and time home are relaxing. Thank you for your generosity and selflessness. Keep writing.
*Bobby- Got your notification yesterday. Gas tank is full! I still owe you funny photos from cheese curd country.
*Sean and Ian- So fun to hang with you and your peeps. Thanks for letting me show up out of nowhere and crash.
*Jess and Armen- Thanks for the feasts and hospitality. That bed is soooo comfy.
*Julie- What a yummy dinner and fun chat last night. Here’s to a soul sister!
*Ben- Love the random VA connection, downtown tour and blue hair.

Days continue to be interesting, fun and full of all the friends of friends and complete strangers who I’m connecting with. I’m learning something new every day and understanding myself and the world more. I’m consistently excited, motivated and feeling healthier and more balanced than I ever have. Because of all of you and so many giving people I’m becoming the best person I can be. It means everything to me that I’m getting to live my dream. This also means I will be the best I can to pay it forward to others and that’s what this is all about, so thank you all from the bottom of my heart!


the pay it forward recipient

…is the one and only Ms. Erin Peacock! (That’d be little my sis.)

I had posted before that no one wrote in stories about a trip/travel/dream/new hobby they wanted to try/do for the “Pay it forward” challenge. After that still no one wrote me. Not ONE person wrote in before I left Alaska, so it’s official the cashola goes to her! (I will post a photo of her with the check once it gets to her in the mail and she can take one.)

I know you all out there have hopes, dreams, goals, wants, desires. I also understand it’s difficult for some people to share those things with strangers. I have also learned that it scares the sh*t out of most people to actually take a moment for themselves to think about just and only what they want. Sort of like whoa nelly! Well, I couldn’t possibly actually think about who I am or what I want for me! That would “rock the boat” too much and then I might have to start rocking! (I can tell you once you start rocking you never go back. In a good way. I am now smiling with that Mwah-ahhh-ahhh…tune running through my head.) My sister is a prime example of this. She had never been out of the country, my brother took her to Ecuador in January, she went in blind, but open- then she saw, did, ate, experienced things she never had before and didn’t even know were out there and was a changed person within days. That trip rocked her boat (she surrendered to the rocking) and gave her a vision for the next thing she wants to do with her life. She came back to the U.S and immediately started applying for the Peace Corps. I’m proud to gift 10% of the Alaska or bust BLR donations and sponsorships to her. She’s spent tonsa bucks completing these applications, so this loot will help her. (She could be going to Africa in February! How cool is that?!)

So? Cheers to you kid! You have a check coming in the mail. If you get in and go to Africa, you know I’ll do my best to visit!

I have mentioned before, I have a bank account that is named after my deceased friends who are the inspiration for this blog and a lot of what I do. This will always remain open. From here until eternity as long. As Blue Lollipop Road lives, 10% of any $/sponsorship/donations that are contributed will continue to go into that account. That money will be gifted as a pay it forward just like this initial one. I am working now with Sarah (the bestest intern ever) on new info./ideas for the donate page, next pay it forward challenge, etc. Lots of updates to come.

THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH to all who have donated. Congratulations to Erin for being the first gifted recipient. You, undoubtedly embody the heart, smile and soul that Maria and Brandy did. They’d be happy to know the 10% is going to someone like you!

Who’s next guys?

Start daydreaming and get your pens and paper ready.


meet jeff

Jeff and Diane in madison, WI 7/2010

Jeff is the best friend a girl could ask for. He has been a friend since I was 19 years old and always that person that everyone can completely rely on. It’d be impossible for me to list all the ways Jeff has loved and supported me as a friend over the years. He is the definition of a kind and generous soul and not just to me, to anyone he meets. When I was planning for this trip to Alaska, packing up my apartment and trying to figure out where I’d store some belongings, where mail would go, etc. (All the logistical stuff that’s stressful and worrisome) Jeff was jumping in immediately. He offered me a place to stay after I was apartment-less, help with my move, and to house my few, but very important boxes of my belongings. He then told me he’d be happy to manage all my mail and any other tasks that needed taking car of while I was on the road.

I have thanked Jeff a whole bunch but I never feel like that’s enough. When you are thousands and thousands of miles away and don’t have to worry a single bit about where the heck all your most important stuff is or where you mail is going because they are 1,000% safe and taken care of by someone you’d trust with your life, it’s a great feeling.

So? As I sat quietly today just having left Alaska. feeling thankful for all the love and support that’s been given to me and excited about what’s next and, ding! In pops an email from Jeff happily stating; “I’ve deposited the check you needed me to and taken care of X,Y,Z. Hope you are having a great time!”- all I can do is shake my head and wonder how I ever became lucky enough for the many friends I have and especially those constant, reliable and selfless ones like Jeff.

Thank you Jeff. You are absolutely one of the reasons I feel confident and comfortable pursuing my dreams, and one of those friends I hope I have forever:)