Today is the day Tag

please, please, please- don’t wait

There is no other way I can say it besides now is the time.

Like right this minute. 

If there’s something you’ve been wanting/wishing/trying to muster up the energy, confidence, “right time” for- start today.

If you’ve really wanted to make a change for a long time but haven’t gotten around to it- start today.

If you’ve been meaning to clear your schedule to take care of something important to you- start today.

If you have the choice to take an hour to spend with yourself, with your partner, your kids, your friends, neighbor, your aunt, your uncle, your grandparent your parents, your dog, or your frog, and ditch on that never-ending to-do list or time-wasting work meeting- do it today.

If you love someone and haven’t told them in a while, stop anything and everything you might be doing right now and pick up the phone and tell them, go next door and hug them, get in your car and drive to them, open up Skype and blow kisses through the screen at them, write them a letter, run outside and scream it out loud…

…while you can. 

Today I have to say goodbye to this smiling face:

My Friend Katie

…who’s been in my life since I was a middle-school kid.

My Friend Katie

Katie, my constant hometown friend of years and years who was a most amazing sweet, kind, genuine, generous, selfless, happy, funny and positive person- passed away last week. The above photos were taken during my BLR Play It Forward event time last year in Vermont.

I didn’t get home in time to see her this summer, and she lost her fight before our coffee date that was scheduled for this week.

My heart feels ripped to shreds, but Katie inspires me to share this:

Don’t wait. Life is so short. We get busy, we think tomorrow will come for sure, we always think we have more time- and sometimes we don’t. Please give yourself a gift by reaching out to your loved ones to tell them what they mean to you. Follow your heart, your dreams, your crazy ideas. Go do, be, see, laugh, love, live it up. Be courageous. Fear is nothing. Nothing is scary until you lose someone you love so much and no longer have an option to spend time together.

Remember what’s important, celebrate the memories you have, and live like today is the day.

Thank you, Katie for bringing so much joy to this world and so much light to my life. I promise to live, love, and celebrate everyday I have. You will always be in my heart.


b*tch stole my book title/subject/vibe! (again.)

From a friend this morning via text:

I went to a bookstore yesterday to try to find this book I’ve been wanting to read…they were sold out of that book, but I came across this in my search and had to get it for you:

Books I love

(The photo came in on my phone screen and the text continued…)

I don’t know anything about it, but it seemed too Peacock-esque to pass up:)

Do cool sh*T? Quit your day job, start your own business and live happily ever after?! Does this author live inside my head or what? (And I guess my friends know me pretty well, too.)

Recently, I wrote this post after my sister sent me Jen Sincero’s Badass book that I read in about 22 seconds. That was just a couple months ago and here pops in the above book. (I see a pattern here.) I haven’t yet read a page in this one, but I have a feeling based on the title and what I read about the author, I’m going to love it.

Did Jen Sincero or Miki Agrawal “steal” anything from me? No, of course not, they just beat me to the punch on finishing & publishing books like these, and jumping out to the world in a focused way asking for people to pay for sharing their knowledge & experience. (Man I have to get better at that whole charging for the value I bring to the table, thing.) At least I’ve been plugging along with my book, so sometime this century you will see me shamelessly self promoting my written words all typed and bound so pretty on shelves around the world.

This will happen.

Until then, I will take extra motivation and inspiration from badass & cool (see what I did there? HA!) author ladies like these.

Are you doing cool sh*t, or at least trying to?

Thanks for the book, A!

#LifeIsShortDoCoolShit #TodayIsTheDay #BeatOfMyOwnDrum



Like millions of other people who have been following this story, I feel heartbroken for the family of Brittany Maynard. Lately it seems like a furry of young, beautiful, smart women with their whole lives ahead of them have been taken, far too soon, in the most unfair of ways. This has made me think about my own fate a lot these past few weeks. I’ve cried, I’ve thought about all the people I love and all the things I still want to do, I’ve had crazy dreams. It is so bizarre to have my mind wander; what if this was me?! Headaches out of nowhere, diagnosed with brain cancer, then given 6 months or less to live?!

Laura Yost is on my mind, Hannah Graham is on my mind, Maria & Brandy are always on my mind, and now Brittany too. I am so incredibly humbled by this news around me. The photos of these ladies- each of the images of their smiling faces inspires me, and burns in my soul, a whole new motivation to keep seizing the day, and never take time for granted.

“Make sure you’re not missing out. Seize the day. What’s important to you? What do you care about? What matters? Pursue that. Forget the rest.” 

~Brittany Maynard

If you are reading this. I hope whatever it is that you might be waiting to do- you start doing it right now.




TODAY is the day. What are you waiting for?

#Humbled #TodayIsTheDay #LiveLikeYouMeanIt


read this

I dig this portion:

“There’s no reason for you to be contemplating the cosmic significance of your life while sitting on your couch all day eating Doritos. Rather, you should be getting off your ass and discovering what feels important to you.”

…of this article. Well, I dig every portion of this piece, actually. What an awesome and truthful bunch of words. Thanks for being a no bullshit writer, Mark Manson! Oh if the world had more like you.

I hope if you are reading this, you will pass it on.

What feels important to you?

#ThingsThatMatter #Truth #TodayIsTheDay