Meet my friends, Jon & Dana:

These two started making maple syrup as a hobby a couple years ago. (You’re looking at a toast of the good stuff, above.) They’re now cranking out a serious production as a tiny team. As far as I remember, it takes 25+ gallons of sap to make one gallon of maple syrup. That’s right, twenty five plus gallons of sap! Talk about a labor of love:

*(Side note: Jon has been a travel buddy of mine for a long time. We’ve back-country camped, hiked, and road tripped across the USA together. We’ve both been writing our respective books for many years, and we’ve shared much great conversation about life over good beers. We’ve eaten Mexican food for Easter in Pueblo, Colorado after getting a speeding ticket as we drove through the middle of nowhere Kansas. Oh the adventures! Imagine my delight when he found and married Dana. It’s totally awesome when your bff guy friends find the coolest women to share their lives with. Lucky me to have such great friends.)
So what did these friends send in the mail last Friday?

A mega maple syrup surprise!

Do you see the drops on the outside of the jug? Don’t tell anyone, but I definitely took a little taste of those because I was so excited. Finger-lickin’ good!
Saturday morning we made a huge batch of pancakes and found that our jug was so full, we had to dip some pancake pieces first:

…to make some room to pour. Mmmm:

(As you can see, I got so busy eating, I almost forgot to snap this photo.) Ohhh…sooo…good!
Are you jealous? You should be- this stuff tastes amazing!
Do you want to get your own? You can! Sweet! (See what I did there?:)
Jon & Dana’s School House Maple is still available to buy from this season. Here’s what they have:
Plastic Jugs:
Sampler ~ $3
1/2 Pint ~ $5
Pint ~ $10
Quart ~ $17
1/2 gallon ~ $32
Gallon ~ $58
Glass Growler or Tin:
Sampler ~ $5
Half Pint ~ $8
Pint (tin only) $14
Quart ~ $22
Half Gallon ~ $36
Gallon ~ $62
These prices are crazy good, so get some while it lasts! If you have any questions, you can email Dana directly: [email protected]
Thanks Jon & Dana! You guys are the best!
What’s your labor of love?
#MapleSyrup #Sweetness #BestKindOfFriends