laugh Tag

please, please, please- don’t wait

There is no other way I can say it besides now is the time.

Like right this minute. 

If there’s something you’ve been wanting/wishing/trying to muster up the energy, confidence, “right time” for- start today.

If you’ve really wanted to make a change for a long time but haven’t gotten around to it- start today.

If you’ve been meaning to clear your schedule to take care of something important to you- start today.

If you have the choice to take an hour to spend with yourself, with your partner, your kids, your friends, neighbor, your aunt, your uncle, your grandparent your parents, your dog, or your frog, and ditch on that never-ending to-do list or time-wasting work meeting- do it today.

If you love someone and haven’t told them in a while, stop anything and everything you might be doing right now and pick up the phone and tell them, go next door and hug them, get in your car and drive to them, open up Skype and blow kisses through the screen at them, write them a letter, run outside and scream it out loud…

…while you can. 

Today I have to say goodbye to this smiling face:

My Friend Katie

…who’s been in my life since I was a middle-school kid.

My Friend Katie

Katie, my constant hometown friend of years and years who was a most amazing sweet, kind, genuine, generous, selfless, happy, funny and positive person- passed away last week. The above photos were taken during my BLR Play It Forward event time last year in Vermont.

I didn’t get home in time to see her this summer, and she lost her fight before our coffee date that was scheduled for this week.

My heart feels ripped to shreds, but Katie inspires me to share this:

Don’t wait. Life is so short. We get busy, we think tomorrow will come for sure, we always think we have more time- and sometimes we don’t. Please give yourself a gift by reaching out to your loved ones to tell them what they mean to you. Follow your heart, your dreams, your crazy ideas. Go do, be, see, laugh, love, live it up. Be courageous. Fear is nothing. Nothing is scary until you lose someone you love so much and no longer have an option to spend time together.

Remember what’s important, celebrate the memories you have, and live like today is the day.

Thank you, Katie for bringing so much joy to this world and so much light to my life. I promise to live, love, and celebrate everyday I have. You will always be in my heart.


it’s like they know us

I have regular conversations with my mommy friends that usually include; “UGH! I love having kids, it is the best thing ever, but  I’m so tired! How do all the rest of the mom’s have it together more than me? How can they look so good running out the door? Their kids listen to them all the time!”

Yeah right.

My typical response is something along the lines of; Dude- you must be crazy if you think anyone, especially the busy mommies of the world “have it all” together! I guarantee those fellow mommies have shoved every last toy, dish, piece of trash or laundry in some random closet or drawer and kicked it closed to give the facade of clean, as they run late out the door to drop their kid off late to school, too. 

To all you mommies out there: I really wish you would realize how amazing you are and cut yourself a break once in a while!

Thinking of the above conversations, I cannot stop laughing over here scrolling through this website. One mom, sick of looking at the perfect picture life of other mom’s and their families in pristine white clothing, clean houses and other not-so-realistic snapshots, just seeming to have the most amazing of days, created this website to poke fun at the ridiculousness of that notion.

I love it. What a great gimme a break, share of hilarity!

How do you cut yourself a break?

#RealLife #NobodysPerfect #ALittleBitOfDirtNeverHurtAnyone