Blue Lollipop Road

Calling All High School And College Grads

It’s that time of year. Pomp and Circumstance and huh?…what am I supposed to do with the rest of my life and how do I get there? (Don’t worry kids, there are plenty of us who aren’t quite sure either at 30, 40, 50 and 60 years old.) Somehow if you just to roll with things (in a pointed way of course) and are able to be patient, things just end up working out somehow. For the meantime though, here’s an awesome organization that might help open your eyes and thoughts on some options for you:

Roadtrip Nation was started a few years back by two college guys Mike and Nate from California. (By the way if you email these guys, they actually email you back personally. Love that.) They went on a cross-country summer road trip, curious to interview and learn how everyone from business exec’s to lobstermen found their “open roads” for their lives/careers. The stories in this book are fascinating and a lot of times unexpected.

These Roadtrip Nation guys have created quite a movement encouraging and providing a way for a ton of young people to travel around the world interviewing and listening to stories of those living their lives based on what they’re passionate about. What an excellent thing. Read their Manifesto. Can’t argue with it one bit.
Here’s to blocking the noise and finding your open road. Congrats class of 2009!


One of my favorite things is taking a stroll to nowhere on a sunny and warm day like today, wearing flips flops and just humming pleasantly to myself. I mean, a real doo-dee-doo kind of stroll and humm…

Even better when I walk by those who look much less than fortunate, and right when I pass them and they’re about to look away never assuming me or anyone else would pay them the least bit of attention- I look straight at them and greet them with a big fat smile and hello.This stuff thrills me like I cannot explain. I know that smile and hello makes a difference. Those are moments for me. Big ones. And moments that just make me so thankful for my dirty flip flops, being able to walk with two healthy legs, have an overwhelming amount of family and friends that love me and feel that regular Saturday sunshine others might never get to feel.

Thank you sunny Saturday, for letting me walk down your street smiling, making moments and getting lessons I won’t forget.

Wanna Share?

On the salsa subject- anyone have a great recipe to send me? It really is my favorite “condiment” and I’d love to try a new twist on the traditional. If you want me to, I’ll even post the recipe here and share it with everyone to make lotsa belly’s happy!

Mmm…chips and salsa, burritos and salsa, wraps and salsa, eggs and salsa…

Get Ready To Stuff Your Face

May is National Salsa Month.

“For Real.” 
What better place to feature than a place called Flaming Amy’s Burrito Barn. Yum. This place is good eatin’.
So I looked up some info. on this supposed national salsa month and apparently it’s true. I’m continually amazed to find out there’s a month/group club for every kind of anything. Just found out there’s National Corn Dog Day. Love it. 
If some of you like it hot, here’s a recipe to spice up your life. If you are stumped for a good gift idea, here’s a place to buy someone a membership to the salsa of the month club. What? You want to learn how to shake what yo mamma gave ya? Here’s a bit of video help. You’ll be a pro salsa dancer before you know it.
Happy face stuffing and shakin’ it!

The Finish Line Is Just The Beginning

There seem to be too many stories about kids bullying each other and being disrespectful these days. I have a 13 year old cousin and the stories my Aunt tells me about what the girls in her classes say and do these days are baffling. Growing up, at any age (whether you’re a boy or girl) is sure not easy. I was fortunate enough to have strong confident women around me to keep me in line. Because of those women I have been able to keep getting up when I’ve fallen down over the years. They have undoubtedly helped me far more than they could ever know- to find success in my life. I feel so very lucky. (Mom, could I ever really say thank you enough or tell you how much I love you?)

Some girls might not be as lucky as I was/am to have those influential people to give them confidence. Fortunately there are groups like these out there for them. Girls On The Run was created to help girls build confidence and healthy lifestyles. I have such respect for these types of programs, the teachers of the world and anyone who works to mentor young people. What would we do without you?
Thank you Mom, Aunt Peg, Grandma, Traci, all the ladies involved with GOTR and the other wonderful women who work so hard to be positive role models. We really are paying attention and can’t wait to be just like you.

A Stranger Named Jerry

I love this story. 

I think this kind of pay it forward stuff happens to us way more than we realize. We’re usually just too busy running around like mad or typing on our Blackberry’s to actually stop and pay attention to what’s going on around us live. (Yes, this means like out your car window, in your office elevator or in the store parking lot.) 
When you take a minute to really engage in your day, with people and what’s around you, it never takes long to start to feel inspired to join that guy who just held open the door for that little old lady walking into the post office. Think about it. Last time you were in a moment doing something nice/helping a stranger, didn’t you find that other people always jump right in and want to help too? It’s contagious.
In this story, a stranger named Jerry did something really nice for Michael and sent him a song he’d been trying to find for ten years. Michael in turn passed on the nice to EAllen4787 who I am sure has passed it on since. That’s just how it works. It’s awesome. 
Hmm. Wonder who I’m going to get to hold a door open for tomorrow or give an extra smile to.