Blue Lollipop Road

Too Excited And Too Much Fun To Pay Attention?

I see now that I wrote Fast Food Gingle instead of Fast Food Jingle as the title to my last post. I corrected it for about 5 minutes after a few of you wrote to inform me, then I changed it back because I think it’s funny. Sunday night I was too busy coming off a 6 hour road trip high (with a super special pal) to pay much attention to my spelling. HA!

Thanks for calling me out though! It’s as if I have my own personal editors as readers out there. So here’s to a Gingle AND and Jingle! I love that I can still get excited enough in my life about small things to misspell a simple word like that.
I Wonder what makes you all out there excited enough to do the same.
I’d love to know. You should write me a note and tell me…

Fast Food Gingle

Bathroom pit stop at a fast food joint during a journey this weekend. Walked by the trash cans and thought this sign was funny. 

It’s the great American road trip season people! Gas up the cars! 
If I had a dollar for every funny sign I saw…wait! Ok, maybe it’s time to put all the hilarious photos I do have together and get a book published. Sell a million copies and buy all the gas I’d ever need to go on more road trips. Hmmm…

Take Me Out To The Baaack Yard, Take Me…

I just looked back at the notes I keep of all I want to write about. This info. about NY Yankees seed and sod was on one of my favorite sites today. I had a note about it from back on March 22nd. Today is June 5th. I guess that means I am so ahead of the curve?…Or way behind actually. There are so many interesting and cool, things to write about I am back-logged. It’s great to never be bored.

Anyway- there you go guys. Get yourself some authentic stadium grass supply or have a great gift idea for Dad’s day. 
…buy me some peanuts and Cracker Jacks…

THIS IS MY 200th POST!!!


Who whoulda thunk it? I have YOU all to thank for it.
In this 200 and as of today, June 4, 2009- I have somehow managed to:
*Post my random babble and sometimes overly emotional thoughts pretty much every day. All during the most deliciously enlightening and heinously hard 6 months of my life. (And somehow you all don’t think I am a freak of nature 🙂
*Acquire 47 followers, inclusive of some complete strangers. (That is so flippin awesome. Just flippin awesome.)
*Have an additional crew of non-followers tell me they read my ridiculousness everyday too. (Yay.)
*Have an author of a book I wrote about, find this somehow and write me to post a comment thanking me, then write me a bunch of emails too. (How cool.)
*Impress a few people with my writing. 
(Huh? No lie- a bunch of people randomly have said things like; “I really like your blog. You’re a really good writer” and “It’s my daily dose of such and such.” Huh? Yeah, I am shocked too. If I ever thought some people that are not my mom, sister or best buddies legitimately would think that I have the slightest talent for even putting two words together- well, I never would have believed it, so thank you. I’m not sure I agree that I am any bit of writing talent, but I’ve certainly learned that when you practice at things you get better, if you commit to yourself you get better and if you do what you love, you’ll always thrive. I LOVE writing this blog, so I guess that means I’m thriving and might be getting better at it? Ok. I’ll take that.)
*Make people feel something they otherwise wouldn’t, do something they might think they shouldn’t, or just laugh.
(This is my favorite bullet point. I’m amazed, flattered, humbled, thrilled and just crazily ecstatic that anyone would ever credit me for helping them do or be anything, simply because they read what I write. One of the most incredible things I can imagine in my life is that anyone would ever thank me for writing what I do. That’s like someone thanking you for being yourself. That, is the ultimate compliment. Thank you so much to all who have written and thanked me.)
I love these nights when I sit silently typing away. Sure sometimes I am exhausted and think damn! I didn’t post anything yet. (Then I drag my butt to the computer and post away thinking, I have made an every day commitment dammnit! Nothing is going to stop me!- As I fall asleep on the keys…) The majority of the time though, I hungrily read the paper, books, magazines and other, look around curiously when I’m driving, listen to and talk to strangers and pay attention to lots of little things in my day. Those things get me geeked out and excited to write. Sometimes I wish I could actually jump in my laptop I get so jazzed up. I have pages and pages of all I want to write about. Just wish I had more time or could make a living at this right now. I would explore and write and write and explore all the days and all the nights. I’ll get there someday. I’ve got plans. 
Thank you for letting me write 200 times. I hope you’ll be with me when I hit 2,000 and 20,000 or when this turns into all it’s meant to be.
What’s beyond main street? The Blue Lollipop Road- and man do I love living here!

Snail Mail Rules!

I got this letter in the mail from my grandparents today. I won’t say why, but it was the best letter I have ever gotten from them. If you can’t clearly see the round things, they are smiley face stickers. Awesome. On the back of envelopes my Grandma always writes; W.L.Y. which means “We love you.”

How lucky am I?
I have always been big on cards and letters. I think they’re the best. When my mailman walked up with our mail today, I happened to be sitting in a rocking chair on my porch. He handed me this letter saying “It’s a great day, I love my job.” Gotta love that.
I think we should all start sending snail mail again. It’s always a total treat and surprise when it comes in the pile of bills. Forget you Twitterbookspacelinkedintoeverythingandeveryone24/7 . I’m off to write a real note. 
Thanks Gram and Gramp. Love you. You’re the best.

Complaints? Come on!

Really people? Traffic is closed off and now you can sit in lawn chairs in the middle of Times Square. How cool is that? Who cares if the chairs are cheap? I think this is great. Chilling out for a few sure beats a taxi speeding by and running over your toes.

Maybe I’ll jump on the lets encourage everyone to relax and sit a while bandwagon and move to NYC to start a lemonade and sweet tea stand. Wouldn’t that be a site to see. Maybe I could join forces with the Naked Cowboy and become a mainstay.
Now to plan my perfect outfit…

Be Coooool My Babies

This is the night Conan O’Brien takes The Tonight Show over for Jay Leno. I love me some Conan, but oh how those Jay Walking segments from the Leno days are hilarious too. Some of America’s finest citizens. Remember Kip and Kim? Hard to believe they are actually real people.

Oh and The Fruitcake Lady. If she doesn’t make you laugh I’m not sure who would. 
Just thought I’d post something for a chuckle or two!

A Dozen Humble Pies

Until 6 months ago I thought I had it all figured out. I thought because I was close to my family and talked to them regularly and always said I love you, I never took them for granted. I thought I knew which people in my life mattered and which really loved and supported me. I thought I never took any of my friends for granted. I thought because I’m athletic, it meant I was totally healthy. Oh how I could go on about what I thought. 

What a fool I was. How thankful I am that when the clock struck midnight and it turned 2009, life threw me some serious curve balls. Those curve balls have taught me the really hard way how much of a fool I was and how many things I have taken for granted. 
I’m now truly proud of myself for the first time ever and this morning I woke up feeling happy for the first time in I don’t know how long. Man does that feel good. I wanted to share this to encourage anyone who might be feeling like they’re in the worst spot ever- to keep trucking. That and if you love or appreciate someone for whatever they are in your life, don’t let another day go by without telling them. 
I have dragged my butt out of bed extra early every day these past curve ball months when I have sometimes felt like lying there all day. I have practiced and practiced and practiced and tried and tried and tried so damn hard at everything so many times feeling like I was getting absolutely nowhere. While the dragging my butt and practicing and trying has worked, the real reason I have learned and grown, is the love and support I have been lucky enough to have from so many of those people I sometimes took for granted. I know they’ve shown up for me during this time in my life even though I’ve made tons of mistakes in the past, because I’ve done one thing right; Always told them how much I love and appreciate them. (Even if I may have never really realized what that meant until now.)
See, when it all gets laid on the line and things get real, the good stuff happens. When you can be completely honest, look someone in the eyes that you really care about, tell them you think you have probably hurt them at times or taken them for granted, but you really do love them and they are important to you- that is greatness. That’s when friends that usually wouldn’t call but once a year, now call once a week to tell you they want to be better about being in your life too and you have those conversations with your little brother or Grandpa that you will never forget. 
It seems funny to think that being real with yourself is so hard sometimes. Shouldn’t being real and honest be easy? It’s not, but when you do find that place or time in your life that being real is how you start to live- the rest feels like a walk in the park.
Thank you thank you thank you heartache and curve balls. Oh the things I have learned from you. Strong Mojo is back!