Blue Lollipop Road

Meet Kress and Mike

I did a little shopping this weekend. I couldn’t just walk by when I saw this older gentleman (Kress) sitting patiently in Belk’s version of the tropics; The bathing suit section. All Kress needs is a Corona and the picture is complete while he waits for his lady friend to get done shopping. When I asked to take his photo, he jokingly replied “Sure, just don’t send it to the police!” with a laugh. I walked out giggling and straight into the very next store where guess what? Yep, there is yet another guy Mike, waiting patiently for his lady to shop. He even came prepared with a book. Smart Guy! He clearly knew what he was in for. He just laughed when I asked him to take his photo.

Ladies, really? Why do we bother dragging our guys out to shop? I am guilty as charged too. Why don’t we ever learn they hate this stuff? 
This was a riot to me. One right after the other. They deserve a “Whatta guy!” for just relaxing, waiting for their partners and in no rush whatsoever. Thanks for humoring me Kress and Mike. Hope your Saturday shopping torture didn’t last too long!

No More Excuses And Keep The Ass Slaps Coming

I’ve had a lot of excuses in the past about my work, what I want and how I “can’t/don’t know how” to get where I want to be. This was pointed out to me last weekend during a very unexpected and unsolicited conversation with a good old friend. He called me out and was totally on point. I’m not sure if it was the tiki torches, the warm night outside, or being in the company of those incredibly kind old friends who have always been good to me. (That and a good cold beer probably didn’t hurt.) Whatever it was, some things just clicked for me that night that hadn’t before, or maybe I wasn’t ready for them to click. Now it’s obviously time for me to own up to some things I’ve had fear and insecurity about until now. 

I’m ready.
A lot of what my friend and I talked about was this site and my writing. Blue Lollipop Road is going to be big. Much bigger than just my writing here. Yes, I have lots of work to do still and I’m not entirely sure about what this bigger thing will look like in the future. I am just 110% sure it’s going to be great. It’s now or never for me and I am busting butt to keep this ball rolling. I’ve often been peeved at myself for holding back on my writing or what I really want. Doing that is never going to get me anywhere. I’ve had the fear of offending or upsetting someone I care about. It’s made me freeze at times a back space some of what I’ve wanted to do or say. That and the fact I have a “real” job right now with bosses and some other potentially easily offended people who might read this.
But I have got to throw the gloves off now people. Here goes.
I want everyone to know that yes, occasionally I do things like every other human. These thing include, but are not limited to; Cussing, drinking, staying up way too late on school nights having a dance party with friends, eating way too much chocolate and reading People magazine. I’ve even had sex once or twice. (Holy crap did I just write that? Thank god my Mother has always encouraged me to be a “tell you like it is” woman.)
I know sinful. Lock me up and throw away the key.
I am also the person who; Is usually up by 6:30am to start work or go for a run, eats whole grain organic cereal and fruit, fully supports themselves- paying bills before they are due, always calls and sends cards on birthdays and anniversaries, holds doors open for strangers, never forgets to call on grandparents day and tells my family and friends how much I love them every single chance I get.
The above is not a disclaimer. I’m simply pointing out that I am really not all that appalling. I’m actually pretty normal. (You know you all do/have done that “bad” stuff too! Of course you do? Why wouldn’t you?) I’m just taking this opportunity to blast it out to the world. It feels nice and liberating.
One thing people have always told me is they don’t ever doubt me. I guess maybe until now I have doubted myself some. As an honest and usually wide open person, I thought it’d be a cake walk to open up all my thoughts here. Boy was I wrong. I do understand now there’s no times for excuses and insecurities. It’s time for real, honest and no bullshit-so here goes nothing. Besides, people don’t love me for keeping my mouth shut anyway, they love me for being a total stubborn pain in the ass and having a huge heart but not too much of a filter. here goes the can of worms. No back spacing anymore.
Thanks for the slaps on the ass Tony. For some reason they never get old. As for you calling my bullshit? Thank you for that as well. I’ll be paying it forward very soon and calling someone else’s. That’s how this all works.
Life is short. I’m going for dessert first- and a huge trough of it.

In For Some Jewelry And Out With Some Sense

I just get an email from someone who mentioned being picky. Why is it that it is always a wrong or bad thing to be picky? Why is there always such guilt attached to it? 

Dictionary says:

Picky; Fastidious.
Fastidious; Very attentive to and concerned about accuracy and detail.
I was shopping at my favorite little jewelry store in my hometown a bunch of years ago. A sales lady open the glass case at my request and got a bracelet out for me. I tried it on, pointed to another saying, “Nope, can I please see that one instead?” Oh wait, how about that one?” Ooh, I like that one too!” She gladly showed me several until I said apologetically; “Oh my god, I am so sorry! I am being so picky!” 
She then looked at me very seriously, abruptly shut the case, leaned into me and said something I have never forgotten; “Honey, listen to me and listen to me clearly. You are not picky, you just know what you want.”
That sales lady with the dark hair and glasses has no idea how much I have thought about that encounter over the years and how many times I have passed that story on. What she said was so true. Next time you catch yourself apologizing or feeling guilty that you are “too picky”- just stop yourself. You’re not picky- you just know what you want. That’s something  you should never apologize for.
If being picky means you’re a pain in the ass, I’m proud to be a huge one. 

Bah Humbug To You GPS

Just saw a commercial about GPS systems. It made me think of a couple recent road trips I made with a friend who had one in his car. I had to give him grief about taking all the fun out of the adventure. I might be crazy or old-fashioned, but I am just not about those little gadgets.

I’m sure they can be helpful if you get that stressed about the possibility of not finding an exit for your Taco Bell 4th meal, Dairy Queen Blizzard or Waffle House covered, smothered, diced-whatever craving. Really though? Come on. Isn’t it so much better to just roll with the road? Forget a computer telling you where to go. Besides, tell me you don’t find a little thrill in those slightly sketchy truck stops we all end up stopping at. The ones that have signs that are 7,452 feet tall that you can get gas, buy corona towels, wind chimes and a Snickers or even nosh away on a huge meal of “home cookin” all under one enormous roof.
You know you love that stuff.
Next time you hit the road, unplug your system and reach for a map. A real paper one that folds into the accordion thing. Not your Google Maps print out. A real map. 
If you are driving somewhere “just to get there”, fine. That’s Ok. But without your GPS you might actually be so in tune paying attention to your surroundings you’ll see something you’ve never noticed before. That’s the reward of the road and where so many good stories come from. Try it. I promise you’ll like it.
On second thought…
Dear Garmin and whatever other GPS brands are out there,
I know I just totally bagged on you, but if you’d like me to be your representative and sponsor me for a Blue Lollipop Road trip at any point- call me. I suppose I could shelf my opinions for a month or two for the sake of creating some quality entertainment and big time exposure for you. Someone just has to follow me with a video camera. Talk about some good advertising! Let me know when you’re ready to go.  I’ve got the snacks ready and my bags were packed yesterday.
You think I am kidding?

I thought of a few things when I drove by this sign tonight: 
1.) I have to turn around and take a picture of this.
2.) That’s disgusting.
3.) Thank goodness they are cooked to order! I mean really. Who’d ever want their livers and gizzards just cooked any old way?
Then again, I eat Oreos smashed up in a jar of Nutella by the spoonful. I bet the liver and gizzard eaters would think that’s disgusting.

Meet Jonathan

He is taken, but happily accepted my proposal to take this photo of his funny shirt. He told me his girlfriend bought it for him before he went off to college last year and he is now home for the summer.
Thanks Jonathan. You were adorable. I’m sure you’ll have to leave that shirt on sophomore year as well to keep the young ladies away. Hope you had a great relaxing Father’s Day with your pops. 

Resume or Gynecologist?

How can I thank people I barely know that have become regular readers? The ones that I have met just a couple months ago who I see and they say; “Um, hello? What’s up?- I have been reading but haven’t seen any new posts in the past couple days…”

I know, I know! Effective time management. Something I am working on and that perhaps I have sucked at in the past. (That and I am busy working to pay bills which takes me away from this project and other things I love sometimes. BOO on that, but it’s what I’ve got to do until I figure out how to make the magic happen.)
To do list for today:
1.) Work on time management
2.) Get my stupid resume updated and done for the 90th time. (God I hate resumes more than visits to the gynecologist.)
3.) Thank the not so strange strangers like B.H. for being consistent readers.