
feast, shake it, repeat

How I love a sunny and warm day. Especially when it’s clock spring forward day. I hate to admit it, but if I never saw anything but sundresses in my suitcases again- I’d be one happy camper. Sweaters be gone forever!

Sun and warmth- you make me want to do and be everything…

My sunny day today included morning coffee with bedroom window wide open, then off to zumba to sweat out all the garlic I had in my dinner last night. Ladies, gents- I am telling you if you have not zumba’d before and you want to sweat your money maker off while you’re shakin’ it, try this salsa, meets hip-hop, meets belly dancing, meets Bollywood moving. We ended my class today with a Latin soul train that would’ve made even a corpse rock out. I am in love with zumba.

After shakin’ it off, naturally I had to put it back on at Millie’s for brunch with a crew of fun people:

Millie's Restaurant

(Whoopsie! I am forming a bad habit of gobbling up all my delicious food before snapping a shot of it, so all you get this go around is the classic Millie’s table juke box.)

A walk around town was a must after the brunch feast, so away we went meandering around the canal walk and flood wall:

Floodwall entrance

Downtown Richmond, Virginia

I love the sound of traffic and trains. Underneath the train tracks:

View from under train tracks

Somebody needs to let this guy out! He clearly has spring fever just like all of us:

Indian atop Lucky Strike

Happy springing forward!

What will you do with more daylight?


it’s official

As you all know, I had promised a surprise Blue Lollipop Road announcement/next project about a month ago. It was bit delayed because of a few good unplanned opportunities, and now we are ready.


After 16 years of my own adventure travels (50 states, several countries, delectable foods, interesting people, and thousands of miles and stories), it’s time to pass on the laundry list of resources and information I have, to all of you out there: I put together a plan that includes anything from a small local quick outing to a far off extensive journey, add a fantastic food and drink element, and there you have the perfect storm for fun, meeting like minded people, and getting out of your everyday grind.

Sounds pretty great right? I use my buckets of experience and do the “dirty” work. (Planning and figuring out all details.) You show up and have a blast. It’s so easy!

The 1st ever BLR Adventure happened yesterday. A group of incredibly fun and diverse people dove in to be my “test” case. (Thanks again guys!) We had a most fantastic 9 hours of road tripping, exploring, food and drink. No one from the group knew each other. (You know I love to watch worlds collide!) I laughed so hard my stomach hurt, heard “I haven’t had this much fun in forever!”, “When is the next one?!” and ended the day with a big fat smile on my face. As I drove home last night, I had a euphoric feeling, just as I had hoped I would. Nothing makes me happier than exploring outside of the regularly scheduled program, and encouraging other people to hop on the train to share that time. Isn’t that what it’s all about?

I truly believe that an adventure a day keeps the doctor away. That simply means doing anything that makes you feel alive and excited.

Yesterday, we were all very much alive and excited. A road trip to Virginia’s Wine Country with our first stop at Veritas Winery. We toasted to the launch of BLR Adventures:

…ordered a cheese plate snack:

Cheese plate at Veritas

… and had a glass of each of our favorite vino outside while enjoying the sunshine:

Wine in the sunshine

Here’s some of the happy crew:

Patio at Veritas Winery

After Veritas, we drove to our next winery reservation, but we had lounged at Veritas in the sun for so long we were too late. That ended up being perfect because the next portion of the adventure I had planned was to go to Mas Tapas in the Belmont Neighborhood in Charlotesville. There is always a wait at Mas. This place is slam-packed jam-packed every second it’s open and they don’t take reservations. We managed to score a table in no time because of our early arrival. Before we sat we met and chatted with a sweet and interesting couple. (Transplants from New Jersey to Charlottesville.) They were on a “date” for their 21st wedding anniversary, so cute. Talking to strangers fit in with the theme of our day.

The food was so delicious, I didn’t even have time to take any photos before our table was empty!

Feast and done at Mas Tapas

Clean plates = happy people.

Some of what we ordered:
*Pequeno Plato de Queso – sliced, aged raw-milk Manchego, local apples, on a slice of hearth-baked bread
*Queso cocido con alcachofa – warm artichoke and goat cheese spread w/ brick-oven bread
*CocaMAS – wood-fired flatbread w/ smoked tomatoes, Caromont Farm’s Chevre, Manchego, Basil on hand-crafted dough
*Carne asada – marinated hanging tenderloin -grilled rare w/ smoked tomato alioli
*Chuletillas de cordero – tender, young lamb chops w/ grilled flatbread and a mint-mojo sauce

Drooling yet? So, so delish.

Cafe’ con leche to end an amazing meal:

Cafe Con Leche at Mas Tapas

We are big fans of Mas, especially these funny tees the chefs were wearing:

Mas Tapas staff t-shirt

The first BLR Adventure was a wild success!

I will announce yet another surprise this coming week. The big kahuna is the complete overhaul of this site. We will launch in the next few weeks. Thrilled isn’t a big enough word for how I’m feeling about a new full-on website to go with the next big phase of Blue Lollipop Road. The new site will have complete information on BLR Adventures and other projects we are working on so stay tuned.

To my test crew from yesterday~

Thank you for your support and participation! I can’t wait for our next one.

Here’s to exploring, eating, drinking and being merry!



In going back into the Blue Lollipop Road archives recently, I had forgotten that I used to write about TTAA (Things That Are Awesome.) Here’s one I wrote while in Chicago a couple years ago. I am bringing back the TTAA, so look for it regularly moving forward. Here’s some from yesterday:

Driving by old antique stores that have rusty signs on the side:

Two Frogs on a Bike Antique store

Zoning out at a stoplight and looking up to see the sky and clouds look like this:

Winter sunset sky

French fries. Zumba. Catching up with friends you haven’t seen in almost 3 years. Coming home to a new fashion magazine in the mail. Knowing that it’s GOT to get warmer eventually. Looking forward to weddings. Looking forward to road trips. Owning who you are and what you do. Reading books friends have written. Phone calls from friends across the country.

Post a comment here and share what you think is awesome!


i can have all the toppings i want?!

I don’t know about you, but usually when I am road tripping and hit up DQ or whatever other roadside ice cream place to get my chocolate fix, I find myself wanting to say: “Come on dude- add another scoop of M&M’s!” or “Feel free to put in 96 Oreos if you wish. I can handle it.” Often when I order ice cream there are just not enough chunks of goodness in my cup. (A terrible problem to have.) Enter: Verry Berry.

Verry Berry is a grab a cup, pull your own ice cream or frozen yogurt…

Verry Berry machines

…load up any amount of goodies your little heart desires, from fruits to nuts to all things chocolate…



…and enjoy.


They leave piles of Post-it notes and Sharpies on the tables, for those feeling creative (which of course we did.) Write what you wish, plaster them on a big ol’ Post-it wall:

Post-it Wall at Verry Berry

Our Verry Berry notes

A treat and entertainment for only 2 bucks. Whatta deal! I would have never walked into the place had it not been for my 2 young pals Lily and Thabea who I was looking after. The kids always know where the best treats are.

Thanks girls! Pencil me in for a Verry Berry date again soon. This makes the favorites list for sure.


graffiti and polenta

Last night I had dinner with friend and at my favorite restaurant in the whole wide world, Mamma Zu. I have only written about this place about 142 times. It’s that yummy to me. I love that they still don’t even have a website, or at least I’ve never been able to find one when I do a search. Great thing about a place that good and that busy? They don’t need one!

I was one happy camper when I looked up at the chalkboard menu and saw an appetizer that had seemed to disappear for years: polenta gorgonzola. Of course we ordered it. Here’s our serving:

Polenta gorgonzola at Mamma Zu

The whole package at Mamma Zu makes me happy: Incredible food, good wine, reasonable prices, funky looking characters working in the tiny open kitchen, seedy neighborhood, dilapidated looking building with paint peeling off the front door next to the “pull hard” paper sign taped to it, and the graffiti on the bathroom walls. (That is just scratching the surface.) Of course I have participated in the allowed delinquency over the years, writing on those walls of the scrubby looking ladies room. This summer before I left for Alaska, I had to get my Mamma Zu fix. The bathroom wall 6 months ago was fairly bare, so I opted from some prime real estate to write my message. Guess what was still there last night? Indeed my message, with a “response” of sorts from a stranger:

Graffiti bathroom wall at Mamma Zu

In case you can’t read the message above mine, it says: “Alaska was here. Do what you like and like what you do!”

Hoorah to that Alaska…thanks! I left you a message back, so you’ll have to check it out next time you’re in my favorite little hole in the wall house of deliciousness.

To my dinner company~

Here’s to moving at the speed of light, no matter what your age, going to bed happy, and waking up even happier. Thank you.


two j’s doin’ good

I have friends that do the coolest things. If I was ever cool, like even one bit- it would only be because of the variety of interesting and remarkable people I have in my life.

Take Justin for instance. He is a musician and has been a part of Silly Bus for years while educates and entertains kids through music. He also volunteers for other community projects and oh yeah, he’s a career guy too. Justin is way funnier than he realizes and it’s always a blast to catch up with him. We had coffee recently and he brought this CD that he had just finished to me as a gift:

Flashlight Tag Christmas CD

Flashlight Tag Christmas CD

This CD is GREAT. I can’t lie, I’m not a big holiday music super-fan. I don’t usually bee-bop to Rockin’ R’ound the Christmas Tree the day after Thanksgiving until Santy comes, but I am all about the Flashlight Tag tunes. (I have to say I am a sucker for some banjo.) Listen to Twinkle Lights here or get in touch with the guys to get a copy of the CD. This is a must have in your holiday collection.

In more news on interesting pals doing exceptional and unselfish work, meet my friend Jocelyn, owner of Green Duck. She has recently finished up a HUGE project at the World Equestrian Games. With over 500,000 visitors to the games, can you imagine all the waste? Well, Jocelyn and the crew she worked with managed to collect 175,000 pounds of materials to keep them out of the landfill. Yay! Watch the video with Jocelyn busy at work here. Next time you’re noshing at your favorite local restaurant, or your socializing at that annual fundraiser you go to, remind the people in charge if they don’t already- to forget the styrofoam devil and order their food packaging from Green Duck. If you are green, you are cool. Enough said.

My Christmas gifts? Learning from, looking up to, and spending time with people like these two. They are inspiring kids, making art, respecting community and living consciously. That is my satisfying pile of wrapping paper. What more could I ask to be surrounded by?


a little birdie told me…

…the story of Blue Lollipo Road is out in Skirt! Magazine– YAY!

Before I left Virginia I spent an afternoon with Constance and Agata (Editor and Photographer) telling them about my Alaska or bust trip and BLR. We had a great lunch and fun photo shoot in the sweltering heat. I don’t have a web link to share about the story yet, but if you’re in the Richmond, VA area- pick up a paper copy of Skirt! in one of those bright lime green boxes and check it out. I will share the link when I have it soon. I can’t wait to see it myself!

Thank you so much to Skirt!, Constance and Agata. I am honored to be one of the ladies featured in such a fabulous publication!


today is national milk chocolate day!

How is it possible that I never knew there was one until today? How is it possible that there even is a National Milk Chocolate Day?

This reminds me to thank everyone again who has gifted me Nutella for my trip. I have a Costco-sized jar in my car now from my last stop. I think I need to start talking about how much I love apples and porches, then maybe that’s what people would gift me and I’d eat more fruit and have fast fancy cars to drive…ha!

Nah- I’ll take the Nutella.

I’m dedicating todays morning post to my cutie patootie small fry pal Libbie. She is the daughter of my friend. Before I left VA we had a couple ice cream dates. Apparently she has been asking “When is Diane coming back so we can go get ice cream?” Talk about my kind of buddy! Here is a photo of her at one of my favorite places for a sweet treat called Bev’s. Don’t you just want to squeeze this adorable this face?


If you are a chocolate lover out there, I’d love to post a great photo of yours like this if you’d like to send one to me. If you have a recipe for something chocolate-y you’d like to share, send that, or maybe share a chocolate spot somewhere I can check out in my travels? I’ll take it all and keep posting about the de-lish spots I find too.

Happy chocolate feasting!


“do you have a french press?”

…”if not I am going to give you one of those, along with a bunch of coffee because no friend of mine is going across country on bad coffee!”

Spoken like a true coffee lover from one to another.

My friend Tom roasts coffee for Blanchard’s Coffee Co. in Richmond, VA. The above is what Tom responded in an email to me after announcing my trip. In enters Blanchard’s as my coffee sponsor.

I got the chance to stop by for a chat and pick up with Tom on Monday. I had been in the roasting house before and the smell is so delicious you want to lick the air. As always Tom was in good spirits, peppy about life and loving his job. He had just finished roasting with the crew for the day so I snapped this photo of the roaster:


…and of course some boxes full of all the hard roasting work:


…and finally my gifted stock to start off my trip (Tom is going to ship me more as I drive.) A French Press too. Ahh…


What a great treat. Bad coffee is a serious no-no for sure. I was happy to pay some of my stock forward to my hosts Gabriela and Phil who I stayed with last night. More fellow coffee lovers. It’s so fun to be able to do that thanks to Blanchard’s.

Thanks guys. No sleepy driving for me!