
vote for one week job!

Guess who’s up for a Pepsi Refresh Grant?! My friends at One Week Job. Yay for them! I’ve written about Sean and OWJ a few times here. I got to meet and stay with him when I drove through Vancouver this summer during Alaska or Bust. I had a blast hanging out with he, Ian (Videographer) and their friends. In person, these guys were more humble, generous and interesting than I could’ve imagined. (What a bonus to find out people you think would be uber cool are even better than that when you finally meet.)

Please vote here for One Week Job.

Sean and Ian~

Congratulations on everything. So happy for you guys. Good luck and keep doing all that you do. Here’s to work you believe in, and following your passion!


BLR 3.0

This is Sarah, the BLR intern. You’ve met her before:


What a goofball. I love this photo. She and I have been working very hard to give Blue Lollipop Road a new look and updated information. I owe her like, big time X 1,000. She’s stupendous.

Look up and click through the pages up top to see new stuff.

Sarah and I are off to do something really fun this weekend, so watch for photos and video next week. (Ooh I am so excited for this one.) Wait until you see what we do for our “company outing.” Nothing like some good old fashioned team building. Mwah-ah-ahhh…


do coupons ever really expire?

Alicia, who runs Social Media for American Honda Motor Company left me a return voicemail. SWEET! You know I love a Honda.

Travis, the Founder and CEO of Gogobot. has returned my email and we have set up a time to chat via phone. YAY! You know I love a fun company filled with people that travel.

In the irony of life, they both asked if I could stop by and meet them within days after I left the west coast to come east for the holidays. Thankfully I have a Honda that’s reliable and great on gas mileage, so if it’s necessary for me to drive a quick 3,000 miles again soon, I am all over it. We shall see. These are some of the many surprises to come. Aren’t you excited? I sure am.

Who knows what the future holds. I don’t need to. What I do know is the best way to do something is to start doing it. How is Alicia at Honda ever going to know I love the product her company makes if I don’t tell her? How is Travis supposed to know I think it’d be fun and I am experienced enough to work with his company if I don’t say: “Hey there Travis! I think your company looks swell. I’d really like to work with you, look what I have done! Can we chat?”

Before I get to my point in case you haven’t gotten it already, I’d like to share some inside scoop with you: I AM NOT A GENIUS. (In fact, I just Googled genius right now because no matter how many times I type it, I still want to type it as “genous” incorrectly spelled.) So? When people are aghast and asked how I’ve “managed” to do something, I reply: “I know this is going to sound crazy, but I just did it.” (Go figure, those Nike guys have been on to something all these years.) Logistics? Sure. Planning? Sometimes. Actually doing, as in- asking, attempting, starting some kind of movement? Yes. There’s no other way.

If you like it, love it, or gotta have it (indeed this is in reference to the fun sizes at Cold Stone Creamery) then start squeaking. If you’re not squeaking for that cheese, the mouse in the next house that is, will get it every time.

Thanks Grandma. Your: “They always take expired coupons if you just ask. All you have to do is ask.” -theory really does work!


good things come to those who wait

At least that’s what they tell me.

I know, I think talk is cheap and I like results too, so I am here to say sorry to keep you waiting for the surprises I have been teasing you about. Turns out, things do take longer than expected sometimes. I promise when you log on and visit here this week, you will see some fun changes. There will indeed be a lot more goodies after that as well in this fine month of January to kick off 2011- so sit tight.



here’s your sign

When I was in Nashville a few weeks back, I asked a clerk about the tax rate after my order rang up. He told me what it was and then asked where I was from:

Me: “Well, I am from Vermont, but just came from California.”
Him: “Is Vermont near California?”
Me: Speechless, smiling, saying thank you and walking away trying not to make a face.

I made a phone call this morning confirming an appointment. The staff person on the phone asked me what my name was:

Me: “Diane Peacock”
Her: (spelling it out…) “Is that P,e,a,c,o,k,e?”
Me: “No Ma’am, it’s P,e,a,c,o,c,k.”
Me: Raising eyebrows and making faces on the other side of the phone.


In the adventure that’s next in life, in job interviews, meetings- other, it’s good to know that I might be at least one step ahead of some, simply based on the fact that I know that Vermont is not anywhere near California, and I can spell peacock. (I can knit too- watch out!) Did I mention I have also been asked which state is Vermont in? Between that and the comment I overheard someone making once that “Vermont is in one of those states, like New England”-I don’t think have anything to worry about.

It’s always good to have a good laugh in your day.

This one is dedicated to you Camilla~

Girl…we have nothing to worry about. They might even vote us in as Co-Presidents soon because we are so brilliant 🙂


tick, tock, tick, tock

Only 4 days until we ring in 2011. How time flies when you’re having fun. I’m looking forward to sharing some news with you here!

I hope everyone is getting up, getting out, and chasing those things you want and love. After all, the only way to get things done is to start doing them first.

Cheers to taking a step with your own two feet.


‘cuase you just might get it

To call me impatient is an understatement. I like to be a mover and shaker and think my pace is normal because, well- am me. I have been told I talk to fast. (Again, normal to me, but my Mother who is laughing reading this right now has told me on several occasions that after 32 years she still cannot understand me on the answering machine. Yes, the ‘rents still have an answering machine.)

The one thing I have been patient with is this blog. If you know me personally you know that I have often said I don’t want babies. Who knows if that will change in the future. All I know is Blue Lollipop Road has been my baby for well over 2 years now. The way Mothers feel about their children I feel about this “little one” in my life: It means everything to me, I love it more than anything even when it is broken and bruised. Even when I am frustrated with it, and I have one of those “What the heck am I getting out of this deal again?” kind of moments- I still love it and don’t care how hard, confusing, or endless the water treading feels. I refuse to give up because I feel hope, I see all the potential and trust that if I give all the love and truth I am capable of, it will grow up to be magical.

Even though I trust all the above, like a Mother looking at their child on graduation day with that “I knew she could!”- there is a simultaneous: “Holy bleep! Is this really happening? Did she really make it here like I knew she would???!!!” This is how I am feeling now. There are a whole lot of little things brewing, coming together and presenting themselves in the result of “raising” Blue Lollipop Road to be something. It feels surreal, there is crazy momentum and I feel like I am flying. Every teeny little thing in the right direction fuels my fire to go more and I am so excited I cannot even explain it. I just got this email from a friend I haven’t seen in about 3 years and that I talk to rarely:

You know…I just learned that my wife regularly checks your blog. She is more aware of what you are doing these days than I am! By the way, she says you are a good writer. You should try to turn your blog into a book. Sort of an autobiography. Start talking to little guy publishers. While your writing is fantastic, you’ll need an editor to get it into book format.

As much I have more confidence than some, I still scoff at the amount of people complimenting my writing. I guess it’s hard to take that compliment when you feel like you are just a girl babbling about everyday life. I am learning to take compliments like these with a smile, giving myself credit for “raising a good kid” and trying to accept all the good things that seem to be flooding in with a furry recently.

What’s that they say, be careful what you wish for, ’cause you just might get it?

I told you I had some surprises to share. There’s more to come. I wish I could reach out and smooch every one of you readers who check in here every day and have followed me through this all. Thank you thank you thank you. I will have more surprises for you soon!


progress baby progress!

Ok kids! Guess what? After all this time, we are finally making some traction (hee hee…no pun intended) with Honda. I have connected with Alicia who works for them. She now has some stellar photos of the BLR Mobile. What’s a huge bummer, is I passed through L.A just a couple weeks ago, and she just asked me to stop by the American Honda Campus there. Humph.

Theme of the day? Timing. DOH!

It’s never to late so stay tuned on car stuff.

In other BLR news; I am happy to report that I was contacted by Schmap New York City (YIPPEE!) last week. They found my photos here on Flickr and are going to use one from a yummy lunch I had with a friend at Cafe’ Habana in New York back in July.

There’s more brewing…