

I’ve been finding lots of awesome people and projects lately as I spend time reading and researching for my own projects…

I find it incredibly refreshing to come across the good instead of bad. In a world that constantly seems to stay focused on the negative and the drama, there’s actually a whole lot of awesome out there-  it just needs to be found. Hats off to people like Jason Pollock, Creator of Undroppable, for highlighting the positivity and hope that lives inside so many young people who might otherwise be misunderstood or go unnoticed.

Keep up the good work, Jason!

What makes you undroppable?

#ImUndroppable #InspiringYouth #Hope








just be out there

Meet Gone With the Wynn’s.

I learned of this couple when Team Blue Lollipop Road was up for Rand McNally’s Best of the Road during the spring of 2012. Our experience with Rand McNally/the Best of the Road, is that they/it turned out to be a total sham (I don’t particularly like dishonest companies) but at least it connected us to many cool, fun, interesting travelers and road warriors like Jason and Nikki Wynn! (Silver linings always:)

It’s no surprise that those of us who the road calls, are inspired by books/movies like Into The Wild, and the option to live anywhere. Well, this cutie couple has mastered living uber green, efficient, and all over the place. Love that! Check them out on this video:

Really makes you think about how wasteful we all are sometimes with so much house space and so many at-our-disposal power outlets 24/7- eh? (And many other things.) It’s amazing just how few things, and little space we actually need to stay happy & healthy whether on the road full-time or not.

Thanks for the  great tips and tricks Jason & Nikki! I’m taking notes so I’ll be ready to roll when I get my own RV!

How do you live sustainably?

#GetOutThere #GoGreen #SolarEnergy #LivingFree


it’s nice to share

If you’ve read here for any amount of time, you know that I love, love, love Roadtrip Nation. I randomly walked by a table in 2003 at my local VT bookstore, and this book caught my eye. I bought it was hooked: Instant superfan.

I’ve kept in touch and followed RTN for 10 years now, and met one of their Green RV crews in Chicago a couple summers ago which was a blast. Well, as usual the awesome peeps at RTN have been busy, still doing great work after all these years, and still growing. They’ve just launched a “Share Your Road” page on their website this week. (Of course I will submitting my road share.) In the meantime- you should share yours!

I love you Roadtrip nation! Keep doing good work.

How do you define your own road?

#SharingIsNice #DoingWorkThatMatters #DefineYourOwnRoad



Remembering how lucky I am. Remembering who I love. Thankful for what I have, today and every day. Sending thoughts to anyone out there who has lost someone they love.

Whether it’s, September 11th, or August 18th, whatever day of the year might hit your heart harder than the rest of the 364 days, the reminder ultimately is- the time is now. Time is passing, live how you want, tell someone when you love them, spend time doing things that matter. Speak up, go, do it, get it, be it- because you just never know.

What are you waiting for?

#LessPlanningMoreDoing #JustDoIt #DontWait #Remembering



today is the day. what are you waiting for?

It’s 9:29pm, just a day-ish before I ring in my 35th birthday, and I have just gotten off yet another phone conversation (2nd one in 2 weeks) about a friends young mom dying suddenly (as in- out of nowhere, healthy; one in their 50’s and one in their 60’s.) That’s in addition to cancer news from one of my best and longest life friends who is exactly 1 week younger than I am, and simultaneously texting with yet another friend who had a parent commit suicide. I am far too young (anyone is at age 34) to have this kind of regular weekly news happen yet- right? UGH. Shaking my head as I wipe tears, so I can see the computer keys clear enough to type this. Sudden devastating news like the aforementioned is that in which changes lives and rocks you to your core in a way you’d never wish on your worst enemy, and it is the kind of news I absolutely hate.

I think this all warrants a; WHAT. THE. F*CK?!

Every day since 8/18/1994, “life is short” has been on my mind. It’s something that is burned into my every day and will never go away. I created Blue Lollipop Road in honor of the friends I lost on that day and keep it all up because sharing my life and stories with the world help me manage my grief and sadness on a daily basis. Fighting to focus on “Things That Are Awesome” and finding adventure in the good each day has to offer, helps keep myself in check when I want to piss and moan about little things that do not matter one single bit. I am so thankful for this outlet (and running, and travel, and family & friends) because if I didn’t have those things- I’d probably be in a ditch somewhere myself. I often wonder how others- who don’t have outlets like I do- even cope to get up and function on a daily basis. I just hope they never feel alone. I hope if whoever that may be, might be reading this- they will feel like someone can relate, and really thinks it sucks total ass too- that life is so unfair sometimes.

So as this news has made my head hurt, and my heart hurt for some friends I know that are going through hell right now- I will close this by by begging anyone out there who is waiting to be or do something, to wait no more. Things happen suddenly. People are ripped away from us too soon. Tomorrow will come for some of us, but not all of us. Don’t wait for permission, don’t be afraid, don’t put off anything or anyone that is important to you.

Today is the day.

Be, do, say, what you want to- before It’s too late.