Blue Lollipop Road

it’s national coffee day!

All hail to the coffee gods! One of my favorite things. When I was reminded of the DD freebie by my brother, I had to curb my other coffee shop habit for today and come here for morning office time:

BLR Loves Coffee

Here’s a list of spots you can grab a free cup of joe (and more) today, September 29, 2015.

I haven’t had the Dunkin’ Donut in a very long time, but being from the north where I grew up on an occasional strawberry frosted when visiting my Grandpa at the bank he worked at, I had to get one. Makes me smile. Not the healthiest “breakfast” ever, but a good happy memory:


Now if we could just get this company to stop with the styrofoam cups already- they’d be doing something!

If you don’t like coffee, you could just pretend you do for one day- as an excuse to call a friend or family member you haven’t seen in a long time to meet up. Go chat over a cup and tell them how much they mean to you.

#SiezeYourMorning #GetUpAndGo #Coffee

Dunkin' Donuts


stop screwing, start doing

This TED Talk popped in my inbox this morning. (Thanks, M!) I watched it as I sipped my coffee on the porch, cheering YES! and laughing through the whole video.

This woman is awesome. I’m a big fan of people who cut straight through the bs:

TED Talk

This makes me think of one of the books I just wrote about in my top 5 read this now list; The War of Art. I wholeheartedly agree with the theory that every single one of us has incredibly special things about us and unique ideas that can change the world.

Let’s all keep forcing the covers off to spend our days going for what we want.

“Get outside! That’s where the magic is.”

#Jump #CarpeDiem #BeMoreThanJustFine


lucky me to have held this hand

This weekend brings a sad ending, but inspiration for new beginnings, too. I have so much to write and share here, about a very special person. This is just a preview…

Sam was my boyfriend years ago. I saved this photo, through many iPhoto edit sessions when clearing my computer, even though we never stayed in touch after we parted ways. I never knew if I would ever talk to Sam again even though I stayed in touch with some of his close friends. I never knew if he and I would reconnect in any way, but this photo always made me smile so I never deleted it:

Sam Shelby

Boy am I glad I kept this. I will cherish this photo forever. I’ve had a Sam Shelby blog post brewing for months now, and it will come, very soon.

It’s beyond surreal that I will attend a service for this man on Sunday. Lung cancer is a nasty, nasty, bitch. It took this super healthy, non-smoking, happy-go-lucky person who we all loved so much- out of nowhere, and so quickly.

It is so hard not to curse and hate this world, sometimes.

Please, as soon as you read this, go hug, and get all love-y, up on anyone you think is amazing and tell them what they mean to you. Love hard, don’t be afraid to speak up and say whatever’s on your mind, and take a chance on anything. Let Sam’s sweet, big smile, be your inspiration.

#YallRelax #MojoWarrior #ThankYouSam


read these books

Run, don’t walk- to your nearest library or bookstore to get these books:

Great Books

Can’t run or drive? Log onto and buy them, walk, or ask your friend to pick them up for you.


Pre-2015 my book habits were terrible. My attention span for getting through a whole one was like hiking Everest; arduous, painful, and seeming impossible. A racing mind, not finding good reads or whatever the reason, I was the queen of get through the first 50 pages, 10 times, and throw a book back in the pile. Based on how much I love these 5, I’m thinking that I was ready to receive some good information this go-around, and I really dig eff-bombing, no bs, tell-ha-like-it-is, raw, do your own thing writers and life “do-ers” like the above authors.

I gobbled up each of these paperbacks this spring/summer at lightning speed. (A close runner up I dig from recently is The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up. You might want to add that one to your list, too.) I think I’ve found my any and all occasion, any age- go kick life’s ass gift package! (Just add ribbon and It’s a party.)

If you need some inspiration: READ THESE BOOKS.

If you need a reality check: READ THESE BOOKS.

If you’re feeling bummed about anything: READ THESE BOOKS.

If you don’t think It’s important to do what you love: READ THESE BOOKS.

If you want a good laugh: READ THESE BOOKS.

If you’re feeling like you’re living in the drone zone: READ THESE BOOKS.

If you don’t have the slightest idea about what you should do with “the rest of your life”: READ THESE BOOKS

If people tell you you’re crazy because you have a passion or idea that seems a little off-kilter, kindly tell them to shut up and: READ THESE BOOKS. (Then give them your copies when you’re finished, those people will need them.)

If you’re doubting you are capable of going, doing, being, seeing anything: READ THESE BOOKS.

If you need a break from the life gerbil wheel: READ THESE BOOKS.

If you’re searching for a bit of freedom: READ THESE BOOKS.

If you want to feel alive: READ THESE BOOKS.

If you want to learn about 7 billion things about yourself and all that’s possible when you’re ready: READ THESE BOOKS.

You get the idea.

Tiny Beautiful Things, is by far the biggest and best punch in the gut out of all of these,. As I mentioned in another recent post here- one of the best things I have ever read. (If you read none but 1 of these…please choose Tiny Beautiful Things.)

It might sound just a little bit mad that a few books could’ve changed the course of my life, or propelled me into a place I’ve always wanted to go much faster than I was getting there on my own- but that’s what I feel like happened to me this spring/summer because of these good reads. Perhaps it was just some kind of stars aligning or magic or something else. Either way I’ll take it, and happily pass onto you these words on paper, that’ve shifted many things to the positive in my everyday.

Give them a whirl and tell me what you think.

#GetLost #Think #BooksAndBlueLollipops


all the things you gain

More experiences, less stuff.

More freedom, less stuff.

More fun, less stuff.

This is everything that BLR has always been about. I am loving stories, articles, and books like these that illustrate just what’s possible (and important) for this life; time, people, and time with your people doing awesome things.

I cannot WAIT to share BLR 2.0, coming mid-October; A new beginning, a new life, and even more amazing adventure.

Stay tuned, and get ready to hop on the live simple do more of what you love, train!

Happy here

*(Photo credit…random day road trip to Indiana when I lived in Chicago a few years ago. Written on a door in an ice cream shop.)

#LessIsMore #Freedom #ThingsThatMatter


hello monday!

It is nearly midnight, so this is almost a Hello Tuesday! post. The day has been busy with lots of good things so I’m just a bit behind.

When the alarm rang this morning, I thought – UGH!  It’s dark, I’m tired, I’ve barely slept! I can’t believe the week already starts again. Then…motivation nation quickly came rushing in; Its Monday, Baby! Get up! Carpe Diem!

So I jumped up and came to this because there’s nothing like getting up early to start your day off right:

Morning walk

It was definitely overcast, and not the most optimal looking sky, but the freshly mowed grasses on the course and the company I was with, made up for the grey. I also got a good laugh from this sign:

18 miles per hour

Go 19 and you’re done for. Hilarious. Who makes up this stuff, anyway?

There’s something about morning exercise, and something about Monday mornings up and atem that simply sets the tone for a good week to come.

If you’re feeling like you’re dragging, get UP and move your body! It might feel painful for the first few minutes, but when you’re done, you’ll feel like a million bucks.


#GetUpGetMoving #CarpeDiem #CrushingIt


get unstuck

Feeling like you have a 96,000 pound boulder super glued to your chest, stinks. Having too much “stuff” is debilitating, whether that”stuff” is physical, financial, or internal. How do you tame the beasts of “stuff” that are in the way of your happiness?

Here are 9 great options to try. I’m a big fan of actually clearing out/downsizing/cleaning out your living and working spaces as well so you’re able to function at full capacity. Those are big ones. Clutter of any kind creates major unnecessary suffocation and stress, and keeps your freedom at bey.

Feeling trapped is a total bummer. Freedom is sweet. Oh sweet, sweet, freedom:

Find Freedom

*(I took this photo at a 4th of July parade. What a cute kid. What a great outfit.

Clear out some mental, financial, and physical real estate, and remember- you are in control of this life. You can do it!

#FindYourFreedom #GetUnstuck #TodayIsTheDay


hope floats

I went floating today. Blue skies, perfect temperatures, peaceful setting, poofy clouds…as nice as it could be. It was great to just lean back, breathe, and be in nature on the water, taking in the scenery:

Floating the river

I kept looking up and thinking of a certain few people I know, who would’ve given anything to be spending a beautiful day on the river.

Here’s to never taking any days for granted.

“Beginnings are usually scary, endings are usually sad, but it’s what’s in the middle that counts. So when you find yourself at the beginning, just give hope a chance to float up. And it will.”

~Steven Rogers

#Thankful #CarpeDiem #Remembering