
so much better than regular tv


(Click here for video.)

…and this:

(Click here for video.)

…and this:

(Click here for video.)

After watching those, are you slightly horrified about how much money you waste, crap you have, or how ungrateful you are in your current situation that’s actually pretty awesome?

Scared shitless to ever walk into the mall, Target, or (ugh!) Costco again until you actually need something?

Inspired to maybe treat others with a little more respect, purge some closets, or blow up your life and go after what you really want?

Good. Welcome to life outside the drone zone. So glad you’re here.

#CheckYourselfBeforeYouWreckYourself #Consciousness #Freedom


let’s talk about sex, bay-bee

(Did anyone get that Salt-N-Pepa reference? I love the 90’s!)

This Blue Lollipop Road has and always will fully support Planned Parenthood, so you bet your sweet bippy we bought tickets to Condom Couture tomorrow night! Won’t you join us?

$1,000 says you couldn’t reach out and touch more than one person who has NOT used the services/support/resources of this fantastic organization at some point in their lives. I have! I am so thankful places like Planned Parenthood exist, to give care no matter what.

Condom Couture is a blast and does good. I hope to see you all there!

#CLT #DoGood #GetYourFashionOn


less hate. more inclusion. happy life

I was already a big fan of Airbnb, but after last nights Super Bowl, I’m now a super fan:

(Click here if you don’t see video.)

In my experience I’ve found, those who have any bit, of any hate, for any kind of rainbow, (sex, skin color, religion, etc.) are actually afraid of themselves. 

This world is big. Every heart beats the same. Let’s not be afraid of that. 

Hats off to Airbnb and every other voice, continuing to share the message that love will always win.

#WeAccept #LoveTrumpsHate #AlwaysLookingUp


two words

I guess I’m a writer. My grammar is terrible, I’m still not sure where quotes go, where commas should live, what should be italicized, capitalized, or what sounds good. I just write because I love to and I need to, to keep my sanity. Saying all that, pretend the below is formatted correctly in some kind of poetic form that makes sense:

you’ll never
don’t leap
you shouldn’t
too steep
not now
not you
i wouldn’t
don’t do
no chance
too fast
stop now
won’t last
turn back
go slow
quiet down
i know
these words couldve stopped me
nothing ventured or gained
instead i kept going
free to roam…unrestrained

I saw this commercial tonight:

(Click here for link.)

…while watching the Golden Globes. It came on right after Meryl Streep’s speech which was unexpected, and made me stand up and cheer. LOVE the two words Jeep commercial, LOVE Meryl’s speech.

Hoorah for inspiration and inclusivity!

#StandUp #LoveAlwaysWins #FreeToRoam


how do you choose to spend your time?

Today is Sunday December 18th and TED and I have been snuggling on this delightful lazy morning with coffee, happy as all get out, daydreaming and planning for a big adventure and the kick off to 2017 with some big stuff for Blue Lollipop Road. Lately this run of talks I’ve been watching are aligned perfectly with a new project I will announce soon.

Ahhh, freedom! That superpower gifted in America that we have everyday, to CHOOSE exactly what we do with our time and our lives:

A little hint about my new project, TBA:

The choices we make.

Today is the day to spend your time how YOU want. This ain’t his/her/their/those guys rodeo. Get on your horse and ride, baby!

#LessExcusesMoreTimeHappyLife #WhatAreYouWaitingFor? #ChooseYourRoad


we need more altruism

In a time of life during which I seem to watch (and experience) more and more humans who are completely self-absorbed, this is a refreshing watch:

I write here on this Blue Lollipop Road in hopes to inspire others to do more of what they love, keep in perspective what’s important, and live happy. I’ve worked very hard to build a life of being a good friend, sister, daughter, neighbor, etc. In all my imperfections, I’m incredibly proud of myself for doing a pretty decent job at that. Aren’t we all supposed to at least try to go the extra mile or do the right thing when nobody’s watching? Check in on someone because that’s the right thing to do? Shouldn’t these types of things be second nature?

Maybe I’m crazy.

Lately, I’ve had far too many repetitive conversations in an attempt to understand why people seem to just not give a shit about much, or anyone…but themselves.

I don’t like it, I think It’s pretty sad, and I think we can do better.

I’m off to practice keeping my head out of my ass. Won’t you join me?

#GetYourHeadOutOfYourAss #LookUp #TimeToGiveAShit