News & Updates

I’m baaaack

Spending a few days away from full-throttle lifestyle, and doing nothing but relaxing and resting felt odd for me, but were much needed. I feel like a million bucks!

The best way to start a new week after a perfect holiday weekend away? (Besides French press coffee…)- an early morning phone call from a company that will be part of the next big BLR adventure starting in September of course! It’s all official, but I’m still waiting on one more thing before I will be blasting the news out. When I do, get ready to participate. Participation from all of you is what is going to make this upcoming adventure so fun.

Another hint:

I’ve been looking at lots of paper maps.






this week

You all know I hate being radio silent because I get overly excited about the tiniest things and always want to share here. This week though, I’ll likely be a bit absent from here because of two reasons. Ironically one reason is super awesome, and the other super sucks. (It’s Ok, that’s the fun of the life roller coaster- right?:)

1.) I am waiting/working on a few bits of information from/with the folks I’ll be working with on an UBER exciting project starting in September.

2.) I have an appointment with a surgeon and his staff who I know so well at this point we will be sending each other Christmas cards this year.

Hang tight with me! All is well and I’m so insanely excited to share news as soon as all the lights are all green. It’s looking like that will be very soon.

Here’s to summertime fun and REALLY good things to come. Have a fabulous holiday weekend!


upcoming announcement

Can I tell you how hard it is for me to hold my tongue when I have THRILLING news?!

Very- but I have to hold it for juuuuuust a few more days. I have some hints though! The news involves:

*A car

*A trip

*A theme

*Interaction with you all

*A September start

(…and me taking breaks to dance in the living room as I type this this right now.)

I am SO excited to share the news and have you all along the ride with me…

More as soon as I can!



movin’ and shakin’

Another week of exploring, work, soccer, zumba, delicious feasts of dinner, and meeting interesting people around Chicago. The most exciting part of the week; talks and plans about the next BLR big road trip!

As I run off for another very busy Friday, I wanted to drop a quick post to say thank you to all of you who have followed here. Hard work really does pay off. If you keep at something you love long enough, with true passion, and others hop onboard to support, that something gets stronger and stronger and eventually flies. That’s what has happened here and for me. Things are flying!

I look forward to sharing more news soon.

Here’s to living the life you want to live!


ending the week with a bang (actually, a booty shake…)

A few updates that as I sip my coffee, I feel compelled to share to wrap up a kick ass week. (Isn’t it great when you have a kick ass week?)

1.) I had a most fantastic holiday weekend away with friends at Pearl Lake in Wisconsin. Still itching my 3 stripes of sunburn on my stomach. 1st bathing suit outing of the year always gets me. What can I say besides overly excited to be outside in the heat and sun.

2.) Chicago has finally hit some 80’s and 90’s. Hallelujah. I’s June 3 and I say bring the heat. I never want to see a wool sweater again!

3.) I did not end up getting together with Paul from Roadmonkey- BUT! I have had some exciting communication with Honda this week. The BLR -Mobile is getting some love. Stay tuned for news. Whoop whoop!

4.) I had a night filled with zumba and a soccer game last night. Add some running in the mix and put a fork in me, I am happy and done; My favorite ways to sweat. I’ve coached soccer, I am running with young girls to coach them along for a 5k tomorrow with Girls on The Run, so next thing? Teaching zumba. Can I get a little more Whoop Whoop!

5.) Additional note about soccer; I found this super awesome team here in Chicago called P.O.P (Plethora of Pinatas. Yes- think The Three Amigos.) A guy named Cris runs the team and quite possibly has the most incredible and infectious energy of any guy I have ever met. I heart P.O.P! Thanks for being awesome Cris, and rest of crew of course! I love playing with you each week.

6.) Last but not least for today; Living in a fun, cool city is well- fun and cool. The food, events, arts, culture, sports, but best bonus? TONS of people come visit! 2 people from different states and lifetimes are coming in this weekend and contacted me. We’re going to hang out and catch up of course. Love that.

It’s zumba time again, so I’m off. I have to keep shaking off all this delicious food I have access to here in The Windy City…

Happy weekend!


connecting with excellent people

Today I’m supposed to meet with Paul von Zielbauer, founder of Roadmonkey today. I’ve been talking to him for several months now, following the incredible projects and trips Roadmonkey works on. Paul happens to be here in Chicago for the KIN Global Summit this week. We’ve been trying to finagle a time to grab a coffee. Cross your fingers time and schedule allow and I’ll report back.

Blue Lollipop Road sure would like to be involved with adventure philanthropy travel!


welcome to the new blue lollipop road site!

Fancy meeting you here!

We’ve finally gotten everything to go live! The old BLR still lives at and we are working on importing all old posts here, so all will be in one place. Until then, please poke around this new site and enjoy. Bear with us as we play around with a few things. We still have much to add, so get ready for some fun times ahead!

Here’s to a new beginning and a great ride. Thank you all for coming along with me…

Diane 🙂