
meet ben

Ben is a friend of a friend. When I was in Seattle this summer, our mutual friend put us in touch, so he and I met for lunch. After lunch he was kind enough to tour me around the city (Have you seen that amazing library?!) Ben just so happened to have blue hair (how cool is that?)- so naturally we had to take a photo next to the BLR Mobile:

Blue hair and Blue Lollipop Road!

People like Ben make me happy. He volunteered to take a few hours out of his work day to show off his city to me, a perfect stranger. This is what awesomely generous, cool and fun people do because they appreciate adventure and curiosity a much as I do.

To Ben:

1,000 apologies for being incredibly late on this post! Thanks for offering yourself to be in the story of my great 2010 Alaskan adventure. I’m still smiling.

Is the hair still blue?

To E.V.:

Thanks for the introduction. When are we having hot chocolate?


hot air balloons and bubbles

Don’t tell anyone, but I took this photo while I was driving yesterday morning. (Hey, I didn’t want to miss a close-up shot!)

Hot Air Balloons in Yountville, CA

The day before, I snapped these leaf-changing vines at Mumm on my day off:

Fall at Mumm Napa

If you work IN the wine biz like I have been here, you rarely get to run around and go tasting yourself, because you are so busy serving others the good grape juice. I managed to weasel some time in for bubbles, after all- they are my favorite. I love fall, I grew up in Vermont and changing leaves of an kind have always been beautiful to me. In Vermont I’d be drinking cider and eating apple doughnuts looking at the beautiful changing colors through the windows with good company. Here in Napa I have done the same- just with a bit of sparkling instead.

I will never again have a first harvest season in Napa, with a first time working for a winery. I will probably not live in a lot of places where I can see hot air balloons filling the sky each morning or where I’m able pop in on my way home from running errands for a sip of some wine or food that’s known around the world. For these, and many other delicious reasons I am giving my thanks this year.

Cheers to never taking any moments good, bad or bubbly (hee hee…) for granted.


how you know when you’re really in love with something

*You think about it everyday. Even if you are insanely busy, stressed or otherwise pre-occupied
*You sometimes put it before yourself
*You feel like if it’s not a part of your day, your day is incomplete
*You feel lost without it
*If you never got to see it again, your heart would be broken in two
*If a someone proposed the question; “If you could do anything in the world, what would if be?”- it would be that thing

That’s how I feel about Blue Lollipop Road and sharing my life, in all the glory and madness here; I’m in love with it. It makes me feel free. Not writing here even for just a whopping few days was a much needed space and break, but has made me feel like I lost my love, my puppy, my best friend. I have too much to say to keep my mouth shut for long. There’s all that cool and funny stuff that happens during the daily bs that I can’t wait to share too, so here I am again. What can I say, I just can’t stay away.

If you know me or if you’ve visited here more than once, you know I am more comfortable sharing and being wide open than hiding things. This sometimes gets me in trouble. I have no problem telling people when or why I love them or when I think they suck. This sometimes gets me in trouble. I can stomach and be smiles and rainbows even to the biggest of jerks, but cross me or someone I love and I will go postal on your ass. This sometimes gets me in trouble. Living life open on the world wide web sometimes gets me in trouble, but it’s worth it and then some. I wouldn’t have it any other way. I have said it before and I will say it again; I won’t change who I am, being truthful, or how I write because I am afraid that someone won’t like me. (Yes, this includes any current/future employers, boys, in-laws dogs, chickens or other.) Sorry.

I took this cute (bad) photo (with my phone) at a wine event in The Marina today in San Fransisco:

Ice truck at Vintners Market in San Fransico

I only have ICE for you Blue Lollipop Road!

In more news; I just saw the New Kids on the Block perform with the Backstreet Boys on the American Music Awards. I’m not even sure what to say about that, but I do have another announcement that will come soon. Don’t you just love surprises?