
a teaser from my wedding crashing

Cocktail hour at Rittenhouse

…and this was just the cocktail reception before all the rest of the festivities happened.

Full post to come in the next 2 days. (It’s going to be a doozie…I took over a hundred photos!) I had the most fun I have had at an event in I don’t know how long, ate absurd amounts of delectable food, met people that could not have been nicer, teared up at the Dad of bride’s speech, and boogied the night away. To say it was a crazy blast of fun and marathon wedding celebrating is a severe understatement. I am still flying high from what a beautiful day it was with 200 perfect strangers.

While I complete this Philly and NYC long whirlwind weekend, I’ll be off computer spending time and and on to human spending time collecting more great stories to bring back here, so hold tight.

See ya soon!


2 guys all about some green

In honor of St. Patrick’s Day, of course I had to find some Guinness related thing. Lucky me I met Kevin; The guy with the ever-so convenient bottle opener on his hat. I introduce you to Kevin with the great hat:

Guiness bottle opener hat

Looks like Kevin won’t have any problem opening his beers tonight.

The other gent I’d like you to meet is Erin. Yes, very Irish E-R-I-N:

Erin Mullally in Ireland

Erin is from the states. I met him when we lived in the same city. He left to go live in Dublin several years ago and absolutely loves it. I always look forward his annual St. Patrick’s Day email and photo. This is the one that came today:

“…from the Ring of Kerry, Co Kerry…next stop, the USA! Thinking of you and yours this sunny St. Patrick’s Day morning in Ireland. Wear your green with pride and enjoy the day!”

Cheers Kevin and Erin! Thanks for being the Blue Lollipop Road, St. Patrick’s Day mascots.


meet vinny

Vinny Vasta- the amazing 97 year old dancer

Vinny was the amazing, dancing step great-grandpa from a friends wedding a couple weeks ago. What an absolute riot and adorable spirited 97 year old man…

…channeling some serious Frank Sinatra and even throwing in a little striptease action!

After his dance and the cake cutting, I stopped at his table to tell him I thought he was one fine dancer. I asked if I could have a picture taken with him. He was delighted at my request:

Me with the amazing Vinny Vasta

He was also very thankful for my compliments and said: “Well, thank you young lady, the name is Vinny. Vinny Vasta, from East 39th street in New York!” (And they he pulled out his drivers license to confirm his age. He was very proud.)

I have to tell you, it was one of the cutest things I have ever experienced. This man at 97, was more full of life than most 7 year olds. He had that perfect amount of sass and sweet that reminded me very much of my own grandpa who grew up in Brooklyn.

Thanks for the dance and making us all smile Vinny. I hope to be as full of life as you are in 65 years.


feast, shake it, repeat

How I love a sunny and warm day. Especially when it’s clock spring forward day. I hate to admit it, but if I never saw anything but sundresses in my suitcases again- I’d be one happy camper. Sweaters be gone forever!

Sun and warmth- you make me want to do and be everything…

My sunny day today included morning coffee with bedroom window wide open, then off to zumba to sweat out all the garlic I had in my dinner last night. Ladies, gents- I am telling you if you have not zumba’d before and you want to sweat your money maker off while you’re shakin’ it, try this salsa, meets hip-hop, meets belly dancing, meets Bollywood moving. We ended my class today with a Latin soul train that would’ve made even a corpse rock out. I am in love with zumba.

After shakin’ it off, naturally I had to put it back on at Millie’s for brunch with a crew of fun people:

Millie's Restaurant

(Whoopsie! I am forming a bad habit of gobbling up all my delicious food before snapping a shot of it, so all you get this go around is the classic Millie’s table juke box.)

A walk around town was a must after the brunch feast, so away we went meandering around the canal walk and flood wall:

Floodwall entrance

Downtown Richmond, Virginia

I love the sound of traffic and trains. Underneath the train tracks:

View from under train tracks

Somebody needs to let this guy out! He clearly has spring fever just like all of us:

Indian atop Lucky Strike

Happy springing forward!

What will you do with more daylight?


meet lily


Yes, this is a real child- not a doll. Can you even stand how adorable she is? I want to eat her!

Lily is the granddaughter of a reader whom I met a couple years ago. We keep in touch via email fairly regularly and I always ask about the grand baby so he sends photos. Of course I had to ask permission to post this one. This kid is a Cheerios model in the making!

Thanks for sharing a BLR kid B! Now tell me, how far does she have you wrapped around her little finger?