
wine country sunday #2

Once again an unexpected but welcomed invite to a strangers house for a Sunday meal and some fun yesterday. This time it was a birthday. I was happy to see a homemade (or should I say Mom-made) desert roll out. It was made up of a brownie bottom with chocolate and toffee chips inside, middle layer of dulce de leche ice cream and topped with a layer of pure chocolate. There was tiramisu too. Oh delightful.


Of course there was good vino. In fact, the gent that was having the birthday is a Winemaker and popped open some of his craft deliciousness.

Blake b-day party in Napa

I’m loving these constant, effortless looking but perfectly executed get togethers. It feels like I’m living a daily Thanksgiving feast, meets European lifestyle, meets “Howdy neighbor! Come on over!” with sunshine mixed in. A little slice of heaven.


congratulations dave and laura!

Because I have decided to stay in California at the end of my travels this summer instead of heading back east, today I will miss the wedding of two great friends. I am sad to miss their special day. This is no doubt that wedding that when the “You may now kiss the bride” part came, I’d be shrieking and jumping up and down. It is such a treat to be at a wedding you believe in so much. Coincidentally I am in Napa, overlooking the valley and this is where they got engaged.

Here is a cheers to you DP and LP! I am truly bummed I am not there at this very moment to enjoy the time with you. I know you understand my absence and we will find time to spend together soon. In honor of you both and to represent an official toast, I just poured this glass of wine and snapped this photo from where I’m sitting:

Cheers to Dave and Laura on their wedding day!

Here’s to a life of the laughs I know you will have and all the love you deserve. You two are the most adorable of couples and a perfect match. I am ecstatic for you!!! I can’t wait to see you soon to celebrate with you in person.

I’ll bring the wine of course.



i drove through a tree

Pretty cool and fun to do. The guy at the booth was supposed to charge me $6 to pass through and he let me go for free! I said to him when I rolled up; Really? 6 bucks? I am a broke traveler and just want to pass through so I can get some photos to post on my travel blog. (That’s the truth!) Maybe so many people will want to drive through trees after reading my post they will come in droves and you will become a millionaire!

He grumbled juuust a teeny bit, but then laughed and waved me through at no charge. Thanks Mr. Tree!

Honda Civic through a tree

The little Honda Civic that could, loves the Giant Redwoods and gorgeousness of the Humboldt Redwoods State Park

Road in Redwoods

I really like photos of roads. Hmmm, that gives me an idea…


the mac daddy of sunday fun days

It’s almost midnight and I’m still smiling.

Sunday feast in Napa

Sunday feast in Napa

Sunday feast in Napa

Sunny day, incredible eats, fun and interesting company and that general overall feeling of somebody pinch me- I could live here? This day was a slice of my ultimate heaven. In my ongoing east (NYC) or west (SanFran/Napa) coast battle, the scales tipped blindsiding me to today in the most unexpected and delicious way. And juuust when I was about to gas up the car and declare Big Apple or bust…


to napa to napa to buy a fat pig

…home again, home again jiggety jig.

I’m not actually planning on buying any pigs, but to wine country I go for sure. Maybe some work and a home for a spell, maybe just a visit with a friend for the weekend. Resume’s, have been flying out, networking has been happening for weeks, connections, research, hand shakes and high-fives all around. Blogging and traveling is oh so lovely, but I never get a paycheck on a Friday so we have to work on that.

Regardless of what the next step/place/thing is for me, I’ll never have a lack of things to talk about here. I have too many photos of yummy food, cool people, neat places, funny road signs, and other ridiculousness to not share them here. For instance the peach galette that Jess, friend of my friend Emma in Seattle who housed me made:

Jess' peach galette in Seattle


Or this funny sign at a grocery store in Sitka Alaska:

Sitka AK grocery store sign

I put it out here and in the universe that I was going to Alaska so I’d kick my own ass to do it. I’m not a big believer in sitting on some kind of “bucket list” for years. I think if you want to do something, you should just do it. However, i do think it’s healthy to write down what you want in black and white to help force yourself to own it. Even if it’s as simple as I want to eat a popsicle today. ( I had a DE-LISH fresh, organic, blackberry, roadside farm one the other day in the California Redwoods.):

Organic blackberry popsicle in the Redwoods

So off to Napa to Napa to buy a fat- or er, well, maybe pick, sort and crush some grapes, hose out some barrels, work in a tasting room, become a monk-whatever. Maybe I’ll somehow find a way to get back east to a couple weddings I’m supposed to be at in the next couple weeks and then to the Big Apple to make a home. (Or at least sleep in a garbage can.) All I know is a couple biggies next on my active bucket list are to learn fluent Spanish and become a killer Salsa dancer. (Ok, so another marathon is on the list too, but I’m not sure about my half-broken knees…) Learning languages, booty shakin’ and running so I can eat more chocolate? I’m on it. I trust the rest will work itself out just as it’s supposed to. Maybe it’s a sign that I’m down to my last $50 and I’m going to wine country? I guess we will see…