Nice Hair
A friend and I walked past this Glamour Shots studio in a mall last week and both stopped dead in our tracks, looked at each other and said; “These places still exist?!”
A friend and I walked past this Glamour Shots studio in a mall last week and both stopped dead in our tracks, looked at each other and said; “These places still exist?!”
I was invited to and joined some people at a “Steelers Bar” watching the game last night with a business contact/mentor of mine. I don’t typically watch football very much and don’t have a team. I am however all about going to a random dive bar to get in the mix and people watch. Last night was one of those perfect mixes of the uber wealthy and uber country. I love that stuff.
I have been thinking and talking a lot about the people going nuts around this country and blowing each other away. (I am sorry if that line is too graphic for you, but that’s what’s happening and I think it’s appropriate to write it as that to show the severity of the problem. It’s awful.)
Sitting in the sun today, having a conversation with my Mom, I realized truly for the first time ever that I have been trying to change the world. I realized it’s simply impossible to do alone. I guess I thought that if I put my heart into everything 110% that somehow bagillions of people would believe and practice right along with me that everything is possible and the world could be perfect.
This is very old news at this point, but I wanted to share it anyway in case anyone out there hasn’t seen it.
A friend just sent this quote from an REM band member:
I was talking about running this weekend and injuries that come with along with it. It only took me about 13 years of pounding the pavement for fun and occasional race to discover that it’s true; the shoes really are the thing that damage your legs. I have researched and read articles, been advised by coaches, followed programs, bought insanely priced running shoes, learned about my arches, pronation, done hundred of dollars worth of gait training, changed my stride, heard opinions from x-professional runners and I think I even tried to run sideways once. (Kidding.)
I think the founders of AFAR Magazine, Greg and Joe were dropped out of the sky from the same stork as I was. Or we were hatched from the same egg. I am not kidding. I need to work with these guys. Holy moly.
Check out the Skydeck Ledge on the 103rd floor of the Willis- ahem SEARS Tower. How cool. Clearly the glass has been made strong enough to hold plenty of weight, but it still seems you’d have to have some big kahonays to step on out. Looks like they serve cocktails there too. Having one or six or more of those sure wouldn’t hurt for those afraid of heights!