
Meet Willy Robinson

I saw him fishing this morning. He looked like he was loving life, just having a peaceful and relaxing time. I introduced myself and asked him if I could take his picture. He was very sweet and welcoming. Made me smile a lot.

Here’s to simple mornings going fishing in the sunshine.
Love it.
Thanks Willy Robinson. 

Peace Out Cubicle

Here are some fun options for you if you want a part-time gig. Maybe your “real job” is a drag and you could use a lighter environment. Maybe you just feel like switching it up or could use some extra cash. Either way here are a few, especially if you’re interested in meeting all different walks of life:

*Flower delivery guy or gal; Flowers always make people smile regardless of the reason for delivery. (Didn’t you ever see that cheesy movie Bed Of Roses? Don’t lie- you know you did and they were totally on point.)

*Magic Man at Chick-Fil-A; This guy does magic tricks for kids during the lunch rush. Brilliant and what a treat for any age. I was fortunate enough to experience the magic recently. (Made the nuggets taste even better if you can believe that’s possible)
*Barista; Talk about a revolving door of every Tom, Dick and Harriet! Let your personality shine and just see how fast some big wig from whatever company offers you a job, or you meet the man/woman of your dreams. Everyone drinks some kind coffee or tea beverage, rich or poor. It’s almost as if baristas have a stage to perform on everyday. Rise and shine and rock out that latte art!

*Walmart Greeter; Yeah, yeah Target is cooler. Whatever. This persons job is to stand and greet all day. What a great little part-time gig for a retiree. 
*Cart “Girl” at a golf course; Yes, they actually pay you to drive around a golf cart, on a golf course, in the sun, eat peanut M&M’s and serve icy cold beverages to golfers. (OK, so eating the M&M’s is optional- but I sure enjoy it.) No this is not a lie. 
Oh so many more I will have to add on as time goes on. There’s no time like the present to try something new. When you do something you love and have fun with it, just always seems as if more opportunity falls in your lap. Gotta love that.

What gives?

I consider myself to be a pretty chatty and friendly person who likes to talk to strangers. I never refuse the chance to talk to someone in the grocery store or coffee line. To me it seems natural and sort of just decent and respectful. Maybe it comes from how I was raised. It still amazes me the difference in level of welcoming and/or chatty people from place to place I have lived and traveled. The differences I have experienced are huge. I am currently in a place where neighbors talk to each other, people genuinely smile and say hello, and the majority of everyone is just plain nice. I really love that and feel very lucky.

So here’s my question; Why such the difference from one place to the next? Can someone enlighten me? Is it the weather? Big city compared to smaller city? North to south- east to west? Being from the lovely and ever frozen New England, now living in the south- I have said at times that perhaps it’s too damn cold in the north for anyone to be chatty or lingering. It sort of makes sense, but I know plenty of lovely sweet Northerners and after all, that’s where I came from and like I said, I’m the chatting kind.
Either way, I have to say it’s such a pleasant surprise in an ever seemingly falling apart world to be in a place that people just greet and talk to each other with no motive other than to do just that.
Gotta run. Someone I have never met before just asked me to join the morning coffee talk…

I Hate Black Dress Pants

You know that feeling you have when you get up and dress in something on you love and feel totally comfortable in? (Yes, it can be anything from flip flops and sweats to a suit or froofy dress.) On the flip side, you know that feeling you have when you get up and force yourself to put on something you hate or are uncomfortable in? Kind of ruins your day huh?
I call it KC.
My KC (kryptonite clothing) is black dress pants. They’re just not me. Crazy as it sounds, I never had great days when I wore them. It’s bigger than a pair of pants though, its symbolic. Wear what makes you feel great, have a great day. Wear what makes you feel awful, have an awful day. It’s amazing how this stuff works. My perfectly-fitting, trendy Banana Republic pants have since taken a trip to the Salvation Army.
Sure, we all have jobs, events and things we should “dress” for to be responsible and respectful. Of course. I am not saying we should throw all business attire in the river and live like cavemen. However I am suggesting that you wake up and put on whatever actually feels right for you and makes you feel comfortable in your own skin. If you don’t own anything that makes you feel great, maybe a bigger look than getting rid of some clothes is what might be helpful to you. 
I know. I am amazed too when I realize how significant these little things are sometimes.

Gas Up The Car!

*Vermont has the only state capital in the U.S. without a McDonald’s (Here’s to a heart-healthy VT!)

*Arbor Day was started in Nebraska (Good job Nebraska!)
*The state of Rhode Island could fit into Alaska 425 times (Holy crap. I would have never guessed that.)
*In Montana it’s illegal for married women to go fishing alone on Sundays (That’s hilarious.)
*The Eskimo Pie was invented in Iowa (Yum.)
*Alabama’s state horse is a rocking horse (Ok, really- is this a joke?)
*There are only about 12 people per square mile in New Mexico (That leaves a lot of room to run and frolic!)
…Just a few little fun tidbits to start getting you fired up for that cross-country road trip this summer.