living Tag

taking good advice

I’m pretty much obsessed with this book that was gifted to me this summer:

Best Books

It is raw, real, and one of the best things I have ever read. One of my favorite pages:

Love Tackle

I went to a 6:30am spinning class this morning and had all I could do to not burst into tears during that 60 minutes of dark-roomed, hard-core, sweat intensity. My mind was on one person only, who’s at the peak of a battle that’s beyond unfair. My legs pushed and pushed as if they were possessed to obliterate this person’s illness away. Oh how I wish my 110% effort, and an hour on a bike could change the world and cure cancer.

Today is Monday August 31, 2015. Continuing my Monday Hell Yeah! Get up, get out, and go for it! – themed posts, I’m vowing to not only tackle the motherfucking shit out of love, but to tackle the motherfucking shit out of life in general. Please join me. If we have our health and one single person who loves & believes in us, how lucky are we? Some people don’t have those incredible luxuries.

Get up, get out, and go for whatever you’ve been afraid of. Life is too short to not tackle to motherfucking shit out of everything.

#TodayIsTheDay #LiveWhileYoureLiving #Fearless