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how do you choose to spend your time?

Today is Sunday December 18th and TED and I have been snuggling on this delightful lazy morning with coffee, happy as all get out, daydreaming and planning for a big adventure and the kick off to 2017 with some big stuff for Blue Lollipop Road. Lately this run of talks I’ve been watching are aligned perfectly with a new project I will announce soon.

Ahhh, freedom! That superpower gifted in America that we have everyday, to CHOOSE exactly what we do with our time and our lives:

A little hint about my new project, TBA:

The choices we make.

Today is the day to spend your time how YOU want. This ain’t his/her/their/those guys rodeo. Get on your horse and ride, baby!

#LessExcusesMoreTimeHappyLife #WhatAreYouWaitingFor? #ChooseYourRoad